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LASD Portrait of a Learner

Learning Principals


LASD believes the student experience extends beyond content knowledge and must include a strong emphasis on 21st century skill development. Our Curriculum blends critical thinking and creativity into the core academic subjects and across interdisciplinary studies.

Today's digital tools make it possible to expand the walls of the classroom and enable the integration of resources- scientific data, library collections, video and film archives- from across the globe into the curriculum.

Using the following research proven strategies our teachers weave art, music and technology into everyday classroom experiences:

Project-Based and Problem-Based Learning

Project- based learning is an instructional method to help students understand how to collaboratively identify problems, research information, and present findings and solutions.

Collaborative Learning

Collaborative Learning is a practice of grouping students in well-structured teams that promote collaboration, leadership and other life/career skills, while enhancing student academic performance.

Blended Learning

Working closely with Khan Academy,  LASD  developed a blended learning approach that allows teachers to provide individualized student instruction and feedback. Our program is recognized internationally and across the US, as innovative 21st century learning.

Inquiry-based Learning in Science

Inquiry instruction involves students in a form of active learning that emphasizes questioning, data analysis, and critical thinking. In science, this instructional practice places students in the role of a scientist and enables them to discover knowledge through scientific experiments.

Design Thinking

Design Thinking is  the creative process for designing a possible solution to a problem or perhaps, discovering new opportunities.  


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