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Blended Learning in Math with Khan Academy

Piloted at Santa Rita and Covington Schools (grade 5), as well as Egan Junior High (grade 7) last year, the Khan Academy is an online tool that helps teacher provide individualized instruction in mathematics through the use of their instructional videos and assessment exercises.  For the past year, we have been working in partnership with Khan Academy to integrate its online curriculum into traditional math classes to create a blended learning environment.  The results of the pilot were very positive with teachers stating that using Khan Academy has helped them to differentiate math instruction to meet specific instructional needs of each student.

Based on the success of the pilot, we will be expanding  the use of Khan Academy to all Grade 5-6 students and some Grade 7 students.  Los Altos Educational Foundation has generously agreed to support this larger rollout by providing funding for professional development and a part-time Math Coach. 

For more information on Khan Academy, go to

Khan Academy Parent Presentation

Frequently Asked Questions

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