Volunteer with Living Classroom!
Living Classroom is in need of volunteers to teach our fun, hands-on lessons and help care for our school gardens. No experience or green thumb necessary as we teach you everything you need to know! Join a community of people who enjoy connecting kids with nature and teaching them where their food comes from. The suggested time commitment is only 6 hours a month and you get to participate in fun volunteer enrichment activities such as nature hikes, garden tours, educational workshops, talks, and more! Living Classroom is a great way to act locally to help care for our planet and nurture our future environmental stewards! Get involved today!
Join us in-person for our upcoming Winter Docent Training!
Living Classroom
Winter Docent Training
Mondays 9-Noon
12/6, 12/13 & 1/10
LASD iLearn Studio
201 Covington Road, Los Altos
(masks and proof of Covid-19 vaccination required)
Please RSVP to livingclassroom@lasdschools.org if you plan to attend
Questions? Contact us at (650) 947-1103 or email livingclassroom@lasdschools.org