Los Altos School District Continues To Wait For Bullis Charter School To Accept Offered Facilities
The Los Altos School District continues to make available to Bullis Charter School (BCS) the school facilities that the District previously has offered, but BCS has refused to accept the offered facilities. Specifically, BCS has repeatedly refused to sign and return the Facilities Use Agreement, a legal document covering the terms of BCS' use of the facilities, that the District needs before it can provide BCS the keys to the facilities. Under applicable law, BCS has the choice whether to accept District facilities on the terms offered, or it may refuse the facilities and find facilities elsewhere. BCS’s refusal to sign the Facilities Use Agreement is the legal equivalent of BCS refusing the facilities offer and electing to self-provide facilities.
To read the full press release, click here.
Links to the complete Facility Use Agreement document:
2013-14 Facility Use Agreement
Exhibits A - B
Exhibits C - I