HOT LUNCH: Beef Hot Dog, Pasta w/butter, Pasta w/Marinara Sauce, Shredded Chicken Burrito.
The WINTER WONDERLAND DANCE tickets will be sold at lunch. Don’t miss out.... see you Friday night.
Congratulations to yesterday's NOON LEAGUE winner and overall champion LEWIS!!!!! They will go up against the teacher's team at lunch today in a highly anticipated game. Be sure to come out and watch. Everyone should be ready to go by 1:15.
The Blach Running Club will NOT be meeting today but will start up again right after the break.
Have you ordered your 2013-2014 Falcon yearbook yet? If you didn't order in December, it's not too late! Turn in your order by the end of January to the office or Mrs. Hickman's room, D-2. Order forms were emailed home to parents; extras are available in the office. The price of the yearbook is now $40. Don't delay- the only way to guarantee that you'll have a yearbook in June is if you order one NOW!
The library will be closed again today. It WILL, however, be open the entire week for Think Tank.