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May 10, 2018

May 10, 2018


  • Thursday, 5/10
    • Mulan Musical (Cantonese Cast Call @ 3:30pm, Performance @ 4:30pm)
    • Mulan Musical (Mandarin Cast Call @ 6pm, Performance @ 7pm)
  • Friday, 5/11
    • Mulan Musical (Mandarin Cast Call @ 3:30pm, Performance @ 4:30pm)
    • Mulan Musical (Cantonese Cast Call @ 6pm, Performance @ 7pm)
  • Saturday, 5/12
    • Mulan Musical (Cantonese Cast Call @ 11:30am, Performance @ 12:30pm)
    • Mulan Musical (Mandarin Cast Call @ 2pm, Performance @ 3pm)
  • 5/14 - 5/18, 6th Graders at Science Camp
  • Friday, 5/18
    • Fifth Grade Colonial Day
    • School Coffee re: TBD (8:30am, STEM Lab)
  • Saturday, 5/19, Los Altos Pet Parade
  • Tuesday, 5/226th Grade CSTEM Showcase (3:30-5:30pm, Blach Multi)
  • Wednesday, 5/23, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Thursday, 5/24, Open House (6pm - 7pm)
  • Friday, 5/25, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Monday, 5/28, Holiday - NO SCHOOL
  • Tuesday, 5/29, 4th Grade Instrument Quest (5pm - 7pm, Covington Multi)
  • Wednesday, 5/30, 4th Grade Instrument Quest (5pm - 7pm, Covington Multi)
  • Thursday, 5/31
    • Introduction of Principal Matteroli to Students @ Morning Assembly
    • School Coffee following assembly in Multi to Welcome Principal Matteroli
  • Friday, 6/1, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Tuesday, 6/5
    • TK/K CSMA Parent Concert (1pm, Multi)
    • Gr. 1 - 3 CSMA Parent Concert (2pm, Multi)
  • Thursday, 6/7
    • Last Day of School
    • Morning Assembly (8:30am, Multi)
    • 6th Grade Promotion (8:45am doors open for seating, 9:00am ceremony begins)
    • Minimum Day Dismissal - 11:30am


It’s not the things.  It’s not programs.  It’s the people.  The people who have the most direct contact with students have the most influence on a child’s learning.  That would be teachers and all support staff.

Our PTA has showered the Almond staff with gratitude and praise during this week’s National Educator Appreciation celebration.  THANK YOU!

Every member of our team contributes in countless ways.  

Just yesterday, Mr. Core and Luis (from LASD maintenance) went above and beyond in making a wheelchair accessible entryway into an area on our playground for one of our amazing 6th graders so she could enjoy the new couches with her friends.  Thank you to Mr. Casino and Leno (from LASD maintenance) who helped set up and secure this outdoor furniture.

There are so many more examples of this on a daily basis.

At this time, I’d like to celebrate Almond’s certificated (teacher) and classified (non-certificated) staff members of 2018.  Laura Better and Martha Gomez!

Martha - You hold one of the most challenging jobs at our school, noon duty at the lunch tables.  Anyone who has ever spent 5 minutes amongst 250 students confined to tables to eat knows what I’m talking about.  You guide our youth with integrity, respect, and grace.  In addition you support students who receive special education services.  You are patient, encouraging, and nurturing.  THANK YOU for all that you do!

Laura - Your students adore you!  You are creative, thoughtful, inspiring - a gift to us all.  You share openly with peers, lead by example, and advocate relentlessly for every learner.  You communicate effectively with families and maintain a solution oriented approach to any challenge that comes your way.  One of your greatest attributes is your positivity that radiates through your smile.  THANK YOU for all that you do!

To the entire Almond staff - THANK YOU for all that you do for our children.  It is a blessing to know each of you.



  • Our school is fortunate to be part of a caring community where we value educational excellence for our students. LAEF, together with other Bay Area educational foundations, is recognizing May 9th as a day to Stand Up for Public Schools.
  • The mayors of Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, and Mountain View signed a proclamation in support of this day and our public schools. The proclamation recognizes that public schools are integral to the development of our future leaders and citizens and their excellence is dependent on every child, at every school, having access to a competitive, well-rounded education. The Los Altos-Mountain View Council of PTAs also declared their support of this special day.
  • LAEF will be promoting awareness of our public schools on Stand Up for Public Schools day and encouraging parents, community members, and local businesses to support our schools.
  • We have a librarian, PE specialists, music teachers, the Los Altos Art Docent program, STEM and cSTEM programs, and more, thanks to LAEF funding.
  • Donations to LAEF from parents, community members, and companies enable our school to offer many excellent programs. If you have already donated this year, we want to personally thank you! If you haven’t, there’s still time to donate and help LAEF raise the remaining $200,000 to meet their goal of $3.7M for this school year. You can do so by visiting
  • Thank you for all you do to support our school community. Together, we Stand Up for Public Schools!


  • If your child is a classroom student council rep, please remind them that they have a meeting next Tuesday on the 19th.
  • Classes have been doing great with the Go Green Bingo challenge! It is great to see all the classes helping the environment.  Animal day was just last Friday. Thanks to everyone for participating in this spirit day. Here are the classes with the most people participating: Mrs. Better’s class with 75%, Mr. Stuart’s class with 80.77%, and Miss Pasket’s class with 85.70%!
  • Did you know…that 70 million animal are killed or hurt by litter each year? Did you know…that 1.4 billion pounds of litter lands up in the oceans each year? Help us keep our campus clean and green! Our Go Green BINGO challenge end May 31st!


  • Alana Flynn (mom to Jimmy and Christopher) took pictures of every single lost and found item and you can see them here.  Now you can peruse online, identify a belonging, and then send your kiddo with marching orders to recover it.
  • Let's do this.  Let's eradicate the Lost & Found pile at Almond Elementary.


The 6th graders will sell $1 snacks and drinks at each Mulan intermission and immediately after each performance. In addition, $2 flowers will be sold and can be given to the performers. The 6th graders will use the proceeds to help a Santa Rosa elementary school which lost its K-2 grade classrooms and library to the October North Bay fires.

JAMBA JUICE - Thursday and Friday After School

Thank you for your support! Almond's 6th graders will continue to sell Jamba Juice all-fruit smoothies after school on Thursday, May 10 and Friday, May 11 in the Rotunda. The 10 oz smoothies will cost $4, and the proceeds will be donated to a Santa Rosa elementary school. The fires destroyed 140 students' homes as well as the school's K-2 grade classrooms and library.


  • Medications will be available for pick up from Thursday June 7th 2018 (last day of school) until Wednesday June 13th 2018.
  • We cannot store medications over the summer. If you are leaving before school ends, please pick up medications early. An adult must pick up the medication.


  • Kindergarten:  This month our kinder students will be hearing the story Try and Stick with It by Cheri Meiners, M.Ed.  The book is about perseverance.  Children with a can do attitude learn that with perseverance they can accomplish and learn new things. Real-life examples such as riding a bike, tying shoes, learning to write your name, etc will be incorporated.
  • Grades 1st-5th:  This month’s ABC book, Thank You, Mr. Falker, by Patricia Polacco is an autobiographical book about her struggles as a student. When she gets to fifth grade her teacher, Mr. Falker, works with her to discover her unique keys to learning. This is a story about a family’s love, a girl’s pain and what happens when an adult believes in a child’s potential to learn. Goals of lesson include: celebrate student’s heroes, recognize teachers as UPstanders and their efforts to create a caring school climate, identify personal strengths to help overcome difficulties and build empathy for students with learning challenges.  
  • Grade 6:  This month the 6th graders are exploring the book "Who Moved My Cheese? For Kids" By Spencer Johnson, M.D. and his 12 year old son Christian Johnson. This book is told as a parable to allow kids to explore the topic of how people handle change. Resiliency and the power to control how we react to new situations will be discussed. You may have heard of the adult version of this book, which offers a positive way to view and adapt to changes in our lives. The children’s version will help sixth-graders develop a positive approach to the changes they face as they prepare to move to junior high school and new opportunities.
  • Please contact Almond co-leads Mona ElNaggar ( or Jen Walker ( with any questions about the Project Cornerstone program.  Let us know if you are interested in volunteering as an ABC reader next year! Have a wonderful summer.



  • The Huns have invaded, and it is up to the misfit Mulan and her mischievous dragon sidekick, Mushu, to save the Emperor! Come see our wonderful Almond actors and actresses bring this exciting tale to life!
  • Performances
    • Thursday, May 10th - 4:30 Cantonese Cast and 7:00 Mandarin Cast
    • Friday, May 11th -  4:30 Mandarin Cast and 7:00 Cantonese Cast
    • Saturday, May 12th - 12:30 Cantonese Cast and 3:00 Mandarin Cast
  • Tickets $10.00 each
  • Purchase your tickets at drop off and pick up starting Thursday, May 3rd
  • For more information email Luisa at


  • It’s time to order your copy of the 2017-18 Almond Yearbook!  (Yearbooks were **not** ordered during the Back-to-School Registration, so you need to do it now!)
  • There are 2 easy ways to purchase your copy:  (1) Order online and pay by credit card - go to this link:   (2) Fill out a Paper Form and pay by check or cash.  Paper forms will be available in the school office starting next week.
  • Yearbooks will be delivered to the classrooms in early June and quantities are limited, so order your Yearbooks now!
  • Email Leon with any questions (

Egan's VIKING SHOWCASE is coming on Thursday, May 31! Hi Almond Parents. If you are interested to find out what 8th grade will look like for your children, here is a great volunteer opportunity. The Viking Showcase provides the opportunity for Egan's 8th grade students to reflect on their personal and academic growth and to receive acknowledgment for their work.This is accomplished in an interview format. We welcome parents from LASD, community members, and leaders to volunteer as interviewers.The interview process increases student motivation, builds a sense of accomplishment, and fosters community involvement with the school. Past participants have truly enjoyed this invaluable experience. Please save the date and sign up to volunteer at Viking Showcase Volunteer Sign Up. Sign up with a friend! You can note in your sign up that you want to be paired with a specific interviewer. Questions?  Contact Natasha Stirrup at

(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Ava Abhinav, 5/4/18, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Always helping everyone clean when it's Clean Up time.
  • Eve Cooper, 5/7/18, Respecting self and others. Eve treats her peers and adults with respect! :-)
  • Wyatt Doiguchi, 5/4/18, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Being helpful and picking up scraps for everyone.
  • Charlotte Ling, 5/4/18, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Always on task. Always helpful.
  • Akhul Pandrala, 5/7/18, Respecting self and others. Akhul is a respectful listener and helps remind peers to S.O.A.R.! :-)
  • Emily Romero, 5/4/18, Owning learning. Emily worked so hard to learn her sight words and read them with 100% accuracy.
  • Fisher Sirey, 5/9/18, Respecting self and others. Helped clean up PE equipment on his own time.
  • Inika Sridhar, 5/7/18, Respecting self and others. Helped clean up PE equipment.
  • Elijah Udoh, 5/9/18, Solving problems, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Elijah has met his behavior goals, 100%, for eight days !


Los Altos High School - ODFL Program

  • One Dollar For Life (ODFL) is collecting new and gently used educational supplies and Legos to take to Nicaragua this summer on their service trips.  ODFL (founded at LAHS) builds small projects from donations of just one dollar and this summer, they are building a classroom and library in Nicaragua.
  • There will be a bin outside the office where you can put your donations.  Suggestions for donations include:  Legos (please put loose Legos in baggies), pens, craft materials, backpacks, etc.  Here is a link to a list of items they would like to collect.
  • Your donations can make a huge difference in the lives of the children.  For more information, please visit ODFL or write to  Thank you!! 

Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.
Quick Links…
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:
Almond Elementary School Website
Copyright © 2003-2016 Los Altos School District.  All rights reserved.

May 10, 2018


  • Thursday, 5/10
    • Mulan Musical (Cantonese Cast Call @ 3:30pm, Performance @ 4:30pm)
    • Mulan Musical (Mandarin Cast Call @ 6pm, Performance @ 7pm)
  • Friday, 5/11
    • Mulan Musical (Mandarin Cast Call @ 3:30pm, Performance @ 4:30pm)
    • Mulan Musical (Cantonese Cast Call @ 6pm, Performance @ 7pm)
  • Saturday, 5/12
    • Mulan Musical (Cantonese Cast Call @ 11:30am, Performance @ 12:30pm)
    • Mulan Musical (Mandarin Cast Call @ 2pm, Performance @ 3pm)
  • 5/14 - 5/18, 6th Graders at Science Camp
  • Friday, 5/18
    • Fifth Grade Colonial Day
    • School Coffee re: TBD (8:30am, STEM Lab)
  • Saturday, 5/19, Los Altos Pet Parade
  • Tuesday, 5/226th Grade CSTEM Showcase (3:30-5:30pm, Blach Multi)
  • Wednesday, 5/23, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Thursday, 5/24, Open House (6pm - 7pm)
  • Friday, 5/25, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Monday, 5/28, Holiday - NO SCHOOL
  • Tuesday, 5/29, 4th Grade Instrument Quest (5pm - 7pm, Covington Multi)
  • Wednesday, 5/30, 4th Grade Instrument Quest (5pm - 7pm, Covington Multi)
  • Thursday, 5/31
    • Introduction of Principal Matteroli to Students @ Morning Assembly
    • School Coffee following assembly in Multi to Welcome Principal Matteroli
  • Friday, 6/1, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Tuesday, 6/5
    • TK/K CSMA Parent Concert (1pm, Multi)
    • Gr. 1 - 3 CSMA Parent Concert (2pm, Multi)
  • Thursday, 6/7
    • Last Day of School
    • Morning Assembly (8:30am, Multi)
    • 6th Grade Promotion (8:45am doors open for seating, 9:00am ceremony begins)
    • Minimum Day Dismissal - 11:30am


It’s not the things.  It’s not programs.  It’s the people.  The people who have the most direct contact with students have the most influence on a child’s learning.  That would be teachers and all support staff.

Our PTA has showered the Almond staff with gratitude and praise during this week’s National Educator Appreciation celebration.  THANK YOU!

Every member of our team contributes in countless ways.  

Just yesterday, Mr. Core and Luis (from LASD maintenance) went above and beyond in making a wheelchair accessible entryway into an area on our playground for one of our amazing 6th graders so she could enjoy the new couches with her friends.  Thank you to Mr. Casino and Leno (from LASD maintenance) who helped set up and secure this outdoor furniture.

There are so many more examples of this on a daily basis.

At this time, I’d like to celebrate Almond’s certificated (teacher) and classified (non-certificated) staff members of 2018.  Laura Better and Martha Gomez!

Martha - You hold one of the most challenging jobs at our school, noon duty at the lunch tables.  Anyone who has ever spent 5 minutes amongst 250 students confined to tables to eat knows what I’m talking about.  You guide our youth with integrity, respect, and grace.  In addition you support students who receive special education services.  You are patient, encouraging, and nurturing.  THANK YOU for all that you do!

Laura - Your students adore you!  You are creative, thoughtful, inspiring - a gift to us all.  You share openly with peers, lead by example, and advocate relentlessly for every learner.  You communicate effectively with families and maintain a solution oriented approach to any challenge that comes your way.  One of your greatest attributes is your positivity that radiates through your smile.  THANK YOU for all that you do!

To the entire Almond staff - THANK YOU for all that you do for our children.  It is a blessing to know each of you.



  • Our school is fortunate to be part of a caring community where we value educational excellence for our students. LAEF, together with other Bay Area educational foundations, is recognizing May 9th as a day to Stand Up for Public Schools.
  • The mayors of Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, and Mountain View signed a proclamation in support of this day and our public schools. The proclamation recognizes that public schools are integral to the development of our future leaders and citizens and their excellence is dependent on every child, at every school, having access to a competitive, well-rounded education. The Los Altos-Mountain View Council of PTAs also declared their support of this special day.
  • LAEF will be promoting awareness of our public schools on Stand Up for Public Schools day and encouraging parents, community members, and local businesses to support our schools.
  • We have a librarian, PE specialists, music teachers, the Los Altos Art Docent program, STEM and cSTEM programs, and more, thanks to LAEF funding.
  • Donations to LAEF from parents, community members, and companies enable our school to offer many excellent programs. If you have already donated this year, we want to personally thank you! If you haven’t, there’s still time to donate and help LAEF raise the remaining $200,000 to meet their goal of $3.7M for this school year. You can do so by visiting
  • Thank you for all you do to support our school community. Together, we Stand Up for Public Schools!


  • If your child is a classroom student council rep, please remind them that they have a meeting next Tuesday on the 19th.
  • Classes have been doing great with the Go Green Bingo challenge! It is great to see all the classes helping the environment.  Animal day was just last Friday. Thanks to everyone for participating in this spirit day. Here are the classes with the most people participating: Mrs. Better’s class with 75%, Mr. Stuart’s class with 80.77%, and Miss Pasket’s class with 85.70%!
  • Did you know…that 70 million animal are killed or hurt by litter each year? Did you know…that 1.4 billion pounds of litter lands up in the oceans each year? Help us keep our campus clean and green! Our Go Green BINGO challenge end May 31st!


  • Alana Flynn (mom to Jimmy and Christopher) took pictures of every single lost and found item and you can see them here.  Now you can peruse online, identify a belonging, and then send your kiddo with marching orders to recover it.
  • Let's do this.  Let's eradicate the Lost & Found pile at Almond Elementary.


The 6th graders will sell $1 snacks and drinks at each Mulan intermission and immediately after each performance. In addition, $2 flowers will be sold and can be given to the performers. The 6th graders will use the proceeds to help a Santa Rosa elementary school which lost its K-2 grade classrooms and library to the October North Bay fires.

JAMBA JUICE - Thursday and Friday After School

Thank you for your support! Almond's 6th graders will continue to sell Jamba Juice all-fruit smoothies after school on Thursday, May 10 and Friday, May 11 in the Rotunda. The 10 oz smoothies will cost $4, and the proceeds will be donated to a Santa Rosa elementary school. The fires destroyed 140 students' homes as well as the school's K-2 grade classrooms and library.


  • Medications will be available for pick up from Thursday June 7th 2018 (last day of school) until Wednesday June 13th 2018.
  • We cannot store medications over the summer. If you are leaving before school ends, please pick up medications early. An adult must pick up the medication.


  • Kindergarten:  This month our kinder students will be hearing the story Try and Stick with It by Cheri Meiners, M.Ed.  The book is about perseverance.  Children with a can do attitude learn that with perseverance they can accomplish and learn new things. Real-life examples such as riding a bike, tying shoes, learning to write your name, etc will be incorporated.
  • Grades 1st-5th:  This month’s ABC book, Thank You, Mr. Falker, by Patricia Polacco is an autobiographical book about her struggles as a student. When she gets to fifth grade her teacher, Mr. Falker, works with her to discover her unique keys to learning. This is a story about a family’s love, a girl’s pain and what happens when an adult believes in a child’s potential to learn. Goals of lesson include: celebrate student’s heroes, recognize teachers as UPstanders and their efforts to create a caring school climate, identify personal strengths to help overcome difficulties and build empathy for students with learning challenges.  
  • Grade 6:  This month the 6th graders are exploring the book "Who Moved My Cheese? For Kids" By Spencer Johnson, M.D. and his 12 year old son Christian Johnson. This book is told as a parable to allow kids to explore the topic of how people handle change. Resiliency and the power to control how we react to new situations will be discussed. You may have heard of the adult version of this book, which offers a positive way to view and adapt to changes in our lives. The children’s version will help sixth-graders develop a positive approach to the changes they face as they prepare to move to junior high school and new opportunities.
  • Please contact Almond co-leads Mona ElNaggar ( or Jen Walker ( with any questions about the Project Cornerstone program.  Let us know if you are interested in volunteering as an ABC reader next year! Have a wonderful summer.



  • The Huns have invaded, and it is up to the misfit Mulan and her mischievous dragon sidekick, Mushu, to save the Emperor! Come see our wonderful Almond actors and actresses bring this exciting tale to life!
  • Performances
    • Thursday, May 10th - 4:30 Cantonese Cast and 7:00 Mandarin Cast
    • Friday, May 11th -  4:30 Mandarin Cast and 7:00 Cantonese Cast
    • Saturday, May 12th - 12:30 Cantonese Cast and 3:00 Mandarin Cast
  • Tickets $10.00 each
  • Purchase your tickets at drop off and pick up starting Thursday, May 3rd
  • For more information email Luisa at


  • It’s time to order your copy of the 2017-18 Almond Yearbook!  (Yearbooks were **not** ordered during the Back-to-School Registration, so you need to do it now!)
  • There are 2 easy ways to purchase your copy:  (1) Order online and pay by credit card - go to this link:   (2) Fill out a Paper Form and pay by check or cash.  Paper forms will be available in the school office starting next week.
  • Yearbooks will be delivered to the classrooms in early June and quantities are limited, so order your Yearbooks now!
  • Email Leon with any questions (

Egan's VIKING SHOWCASE is coming on Thursday, May 31! Hi Almond Parents. If you are interested to find out what 8th grade will look like for your children, here is a great volunteer opportunity. The Viking Showcase provides the opportunity for Egan's 8th grade students to reflect on their personal and academic growth and to receive acknowledgment for their work.This is accomplished in an interview format. We welcome parents from LASD, community members, and leaders to volunteer as interviewers.The interview process increases student motivation, builds a sense of accomplishment, and fosters community involvement with the school. Past participants have truly enjoyed this invaluable experience. Please save the date and sign up to volunteer at Viking Showcase Volunteer Sign Up. Sign up with a friend! You can note in your sign up that you want to be paired with a specific interviewer. Questions?  Contact Natasha Stirrup at

(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Ava Abhinav, 5/4/18, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Always helping everyone clean when it's Clean Up time.
  • Eve Cooper, 5/7/18, Respecting self and others. Eve treats her peers and adults with respect! :-)
  • Wyatt Doiguchi, 5/4/18, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Being helpful and picking up scraps for everyone.
  • Charlotte Ling, 5/4/18, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Always on task. Always helpful.
  • Akhul Pandrala, 5/7/18, Respecting self and others. Akhul is a respectful listener and helps remind peers to S.O.A.R.! :-)
  • Emily Romero, 5/4/18, Owning learning. Emily worked so hard to learn her sight words and read them with 100% accuracy.
  • Fisher Sirey, 5/9/18, Respecting self and others. Helped clean up PE equipment on his own time.
  • Inika Sridhar, 5/7/18, Respecting self and others. Helped clean up PE equipment.
  • Elijah Udoh, 5/9/18, Solving problems, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Elijah has met his behavior goals, 100%, for eight days !


Los Altos High School - ODFL Program

  • One Dollar For Life (ODFL) is collecting new and gently used educational supplies and Legos to take to Nicaragua this summer on their service trips.  ODFL (founded at LAHS) builds small projects from donations of just one dollar and this summer, they are building a classroom and library in Nicaragua.
  • There will be a bin outside the office where you can put your donations.  Suggestions for donations include:  Legos (please put loose Legos in baggies), pens, craft materials, backpacks, etc.  Here is a link to a list of items they would like to collect.
  • Your donations can make a huge difference in the lives of the children.  For more information, please visit ODFL or write to  Thank you!! 

Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.
Quick Links…
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:
Almond Elementary School Website
Copyright © 2003-2016 Los Altos School District.  All rights reserved.

For technical questions and comments regarding this website, please contact the Webmaster.