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Dear Almond Families,
Yesterday, we had this school year’s first PTA General Meeting. Thank you to those that attended! We had a fantastic presentation from our Literacy Instructional Support Teacher, Jill Croft. For those of you who were unable to attend, please take a few minutes to familiarize yourselves with our balanced literacy program for all students, TK through 6th grades. Please click here to see the presentation.
Mr. Jeff Baier, our Superintendent, also presented information about the 10th school site. You may read more here. Also, there is a notice below about a Community Meeting discussing this topic. We'd love to see you there.
School Site Council (SSC) is a body of people comprised of Almond parents and school staff members. The purpose of this group is to understand the academic goals and focus of the school, as well as to review how resources are used towards this end. Also, this group gathers input from the school/parent community in relation to the academic, socio-emotional, and balanced education our children are receiving. Often times this group recommends areas to be addressed as a result of this input.
SSC will meet about three to four times a year, usually in the afternoon from 3:15-4:15. We are in need of three parents to join us in these conversations. If you are interested in being a part of the SSC, please email me at
Lastly, and very importantly, I’d like to ask for your assistance after school. We want to be sure our students know that we have consistent behavior expectations at Almond. If you are waiting for an older student, please be sure to supervise your little ones in the rotunda area. The play structures and garden areas are off-limits until 4:00. We want Almond to be a safe place for everyone!
October is going to be a busy month—please read all the messages below and fill up your calendar!
Here’s to being in the swing of things,
It’s time for the LAEF Phonathon -- October 2nd and 3rd
Help us fund teachers at your school!
If you have not yet donated or pledged, Save Us a Call!
Donate or pledge today and we will remove you from our call list.
Our goal is $3.5 million and 100% participation from all of our LASD families. The suggested annual donation is $1,200 per student or $120/month per student. Every donation of any amount is appreciated.
We need your help at the Phonathon!
Join our board members, parents, principals and teachers to make phone calls on October 2nd & 3rd. Food, drinks, and scripts provided. The more callers we have, the more money we can raise.
Sign up now to help make calls.
Wednesday, October 10th is International Walk or Wheel to School Day!
The Almond Eagle Mascot will be out welcoming students to school! There will be snacks for students that have walked or wheeled to school, as well as the traditional performance by the LAHS Marching Band at 8:15am on the blacktop.
If you live a little too far away to walk or wheel, please consider parking and walking the final stretch. We will have walking “carpools” meeting at Alicia and Almond, and at El Monte and Almond. Los Altos motorcycle police officers will be on hand to help guide traffic, and give high fives to our fantastic students!
Thank you,
Reena Grover & Kinnery Patel
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There are so many ways to get involved with the Walkathon, our school's most fun and biggest event of this year. We need your help to make it a success! Since this is a parent-run event, we need parents, grandparents, older siblings, neighbors and others to help fill the 200+ volunteer shifts required for a fun and safe day. There are many different ways you can get involved and we appreciate if you are able to sign up below for more than one shift if you can.
Walkathon T-Shirt Sorting and Sales
Sign up your Middle Schooler for Almond Eagle
Thank you and see you at the Walkathon on October 13!
Bronwyn O’Malley, Walkathon Volunteer Coordinator
Shipra Agarwalla, Walkathon Chair
Walkathon Silent Auction
Last call for donations! Our deadline is quickly approaching on October 3rd, and we still need donations for the silent auction. Please consider participating!
Donation ideas:
How to donate:
Email: Email Here
Fall Book Fair
The Book Fair is coming soon! The Fair will be open October 11 – 16 (Friday, Monday and Tuesday, 8:15am-3:45pm, Thursday, 8:15am – 2:30pm, and during the Walkathon on Saturday, 8:30am-1:30pm). You can also order online from October 4 through October 17 at
Want to see the kids during the Book Fair? Consider volunteering for a shift or two here
Hospitality - Bakers
Can you bake? The PTA's Hospitality Committee needs you to join other Almond parent bakers who make and bring cookies, rice crispy treats, breads, brownies, muffins etc. that are sold or offered at Almond events like Walk-a-thon, Halloween Carnival, Kinder Assessments and 6th Grade Promotion. Please sign up here to bake for one or more of these activities. Thank you!
And though this isn’t Walkabout related, it is a call for help:
Sound System Expertise Needed!
Do you have experience with all things audio? We are in need of someone who can help us revamp our audio system in the Multi. If you are able to lend a hand, please contact our Technology Specialist Donna Murphy at . Thanks in advance!
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It’s that time of year! It’s chilly in the mornings and warmer later, and the kids are peeling off their sweatshirts during the day, often leaving them on the playground. Please come take a look if you are missing some wardrobe items, water bottles or lunch boxes. We will be taking the remainders to a local charity at the end of each month. Of course, if we find your child’s name on the label, we will be sure to return it to you (hint, hint…).
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Community Meeting Saturday, 9/29, Del Medio Park, 2:30-3:30
Come to our Community Meeting and meet with guests of honor, Vladimir Ivanovic and Bryan Johnson, members of the LASD Board of Trustees. They will be on hand at Del Medio Park at 2:30 to give information, answer questions and hear your feedback about the 10th LASD school site planned for the Kohl’s store location. Please click here for the informational flyer in English, for Spanish here, and for Mandarin, here. There will be translators available at the park. We hope to see you there!
The MVLA Parent Education Speaker Series
Sleep: Crucial Key to Wellness and Success
Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2018 - 7:00 - 9:00pm | LAHS Eagle Theatre |201 Almond Avenue
Why is sleep so essential to good health? What are signs of poor sleep and how can you address them? Join us as Dr. Rafael Pelayo explores the crucial role sleep plays in healthy child and adolescent development and shares the latest research in sleep science at Stanford. Dr Pelayo is a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Stanford Center for Sleep Sciences and Medicine.
Register for this free event at https://mvla2018-19-
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