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Dear Almond Families,
Learning, engagement and fun are afoot at Almond school! Students and staff have settled into consistent routines that allow curiosity and learning to fly. Teachers were engaged in a full day of professional development centered around choice and best practices on Friday, September 21st, that provided them with more effective tools to support student learning. There are also many exciting activities still scheduled for the month of October including the Scholastic Book Fair (beginning next week), the Walkathon & Silent Auction (Oct. 13; we still need lots of parent volunteers!) and Walden West (all 6th graders next week). Lots of reasons to celebrate October! I also wanted to let you know that tomorrow morning at our school assembly I will be sharing with all students that we will be engaged in a Cardboard Challenge activity, school-wide. This is a global event that is meant to encourage creativity and help “raise a new generation of innovators and problem solvers who have the tools they need to build the world they imagine.” Over the next few weeks, students will work independently or in collaborative groups to design and construct an invention of their own. We will need lots and lots of cardboard so please look for those requests from your child’s teacher. Here is an inspiring video you can watch with your child that highlights one little boy’s journey in creating his very own cardboard arcade: Caine’s Arcade.
Here’s to a fun and festive October!
Raquel Matteroli
p.s. A 15 year Almond tradition, the Halloween Carnival, is in danger of being canceled due to lack of volunteers. Please look out for an email from the PTA tomorrow and consider signing up to help by contacting Marcsi Elovson (
Fun fact about Mrs. Matteroli: discovering the etymology of words is a passion of mine. Did you know that October was actually the eighth month of the old Roman calendar (pre-46 B.C.E.), which began the year in March? Which is why it is called “Oct-ober” even though now it is the 10th month of the calendar year.
It's almost that time--WALKATHON!
It's already October 4th and the Walkathon is coming in just nine days, on Oct 13th!
If you haven’t registered already, please do register soon.
The Walkathon is our school's most fun and biggest event of this year. We need your help to make it a success - since this is a parent-run event, we need parents, grandparents, older siblings, neighbors, and others to help fill the 200+ volunteer shifts required for a fun and safe day. There are many different ways you can get involved and we appreciate if you are able to sign up below for more than one shift if you can.
Walkathon T-Shirt Sorting and Sales
Sign up your Middle Schooler for Almond Eagle
Look for more information to come home with your student this week.
Thank you and see you at the Walkathon on October 13!
Shipra Agarwalla
Walkathon Chair
GET PREPARED TO BID AT THE WALKATHON SILENT AUCTION! We have over 130 items including vacation homes, adult & kid parties, sports tickets, reserved school parking and much more!
New this year - the silent auction will be online bidding only. Register now to preview the catalog and save your favorites. We are still receiving donations so check back before the auction goes live on October 11th.
Important Silent Auction Dates:
Thank you to the generous families who have already donated to the silent auction. If you have last minute auction donations, please submit here.
Fall Book Fair
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming next week. Please join us for the Grand Opening Coffee on Thursday, October 11 at 8:15am and come buy books to help build our classrooms and school library! You can also order online from today until October 17 at
Email Amy Lee at or Young Kwon at or Joy Yu at if you have any questions. Want to see the kids during the Book Fair? Consider volunteering for a shift or two here.
We've raised $1.5 Million ... well on our way to our $3.5 Million fundraising goal!
To those of you who have donated this school year -- Thank You!
October 2nd and 3rd is our annual LAEF Phonathon and our team of volunteers is working hard to help us raise the final $2 Million. We strive for 100% participation from all of our LASD families. Donate or Pledge today and help fund teachers at your school. The suggested annual donation is $1,200 per student or $120/month per student. Every donation of any amount is appreciated.
Wednesday, October 10th is International Walk or Wheel to School Day!
Please walk or wheel to school by 8:00am.
The Almond Eagle Mascot will be out welcoming students to school!
There will be yummy snacks for students that have walked or wheeled to
school, as well as the traditional performance by the LAHS Marching
Band at 8:15am on the blacktop.
If you live a little too far away to walk or wheel, please consider
parking and walking the final stretch. We will have walking “carpools”
meeting at Alicia and Almond, and at El Monte and Almond. Los Altos
motorcycle police officers will be on hand to help guide traffic, and
give high fives to our fantastic students!
If you have any questions about International Walk or Wheel day, please email
Thanks everyone for your participation!
Reena Grover & Kinnery Patel
Walk or Wheel PTA Chairs
Our school needs Crossing Guards!
If you someone who is available before and after school, here is an opportunity to make a difference for our students! We need dependable adults to help our students safely cross the street to school. And for $45 a day, it’s a pretty nice gig! Please see this flyer for more information.
Are you a book geek? Love the library?
Our wonderful Ms. Carla in the library would love adults who are willing to shelve books during the day and/or help with other library tasks. Please email if you’d like to spend some time in our lovely library!
3/25/25 2:16 AM