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GRATITUDE – the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.*
A week from today, many of us will gather with family and friends in celebration of Thanksgiving. This is a time when we count our blessings and focus on the amazing goodness that life has bestowed upon us. By dedicating energy to focusing on what’s positive in our lives, we garner strength to weather the inevitable storms that will pass through. There is great power in transforming these sentiments of thanks into verbal expressions of gratitude.
In that spirit, I’d like to share with all of you, the Almond Community, how grateful I am for YOU.
Students - Each and every one of you on this campus brings me incredible joy in numerous ways. Whether it is through your smiles when we greet each other, our conversations that illuminate great thinking inside those remarkable brains, your spirited play on the playground, your thoughtful focus on learning, or your individual personalities…you amaze me and remind me of all the goodness in this world. THANK YOU!
Parents – Your selfless giving of time in the hot lunch lines, helping hands, ABC reader program, FunVisors, community events (Halloween Carnival, Walkabout), classroom centers, Tinker Club, field trip chaperones (the list could go on and on)…inspires me. And that’s only the part that I see. I know there are countless hours that you dedicate to helping your children through schoolwork and in shaping your sons and daughters into the responsible students that shine at Almond School. THANK YOU!
Staff – On a daily basis I witness your thoughtful lesson preparation and tireless efforts to ensure each and every child not only learns, but thrives. Our library is filled with warmth and welcome, our lunch tables are monitored with positive reminders to children, our grounds are kept in impeccable condition and our office handles a myriad of tasks at any given moment. However, what I most appreciate is the deep dedication that is visible in your interactions with students throughout the day, particularly at dismissal. I see the tender hugs, high fives and send offs. They are endearing and demonstrate that your choice to be here transcends that of the duty of work and is instead a passion. THANK YOU!
See you on Monday and Tuesday at Parent Conferences and then enjoy your Thanksgiving Holidays. May there be no dearth of blessings to celebrate!
*Google Search Result
1/26/25 7:09 AM