August 17, 2017
- Thursday, 8/17
- First Morning Assembly (8:30am, Blacktop)
- Early Release (TK/K @ 12pm, Gr. 1/2 @ 1:25pm, Gr. 3-6 @ 1:45pm)
- Friday, 8/18
- New Family Orientation led by Principal (Multi, 6:30pm)
- Back to School Ice Cream Social (Blacktop, 7pm)
- Monday, 8/21 - Solar Eclipse
- Wednesday, 8/23 - Picture Day Grades TK-3
- Thursday, 8/24 - Picture Day Grades 4-6
- Thursday, 8/31 - Back to School Night
- 6:00pm - 6:40pm Classroom Visits (4-6)
6:45pm - 7:00pm School Message in Multi (standing, no seats)
7:05pm - 7:45pm Classroom Visits (TK-3)
- 6:00pm - 6:40pm Classroom Visits (4-6)
- Friday, 9/1 - Minimum Day (Dismissal @ 12:15pm for Grades 1-6, TK/K @ 12pm)
- Monday, 9/4 - Holiday, No School
- Wednesday, 9/20 - PTA General Meeting (Multi @ 8:30am)
- Friday, 9/22 - LASD Staff Development Day, No School
And just like that...the 2017-18 school year is underway!
It was wonderful to reconnect with many of you at the School Coffee yesterday and to meet some of our new families. Thank you to all the PTA leaders who set up the multi to welcome neighbors and friends. Together, we will make this a glorious year.
On the first day of school students and teachers were busy establishing new routines and reviewing expectations. We have a common language around this; SOAR (Solve problems. Own my learning. Always make good choices. Respect myself and others.) Time in homerooms was also dedicated to building relationships and learning about each other. Our student population contains so much beauty in its diversity; differing backgrounds, languages, cultures, and more. We are very fortunate to weave together into a tapestry that is so vibrant and magnificent.
The Almond Staff hopes you can join us this morning for our first Thursday Assembly at 8:30am. We have something special planned to kick off this year.
Finally - We humbly ask for your support with a few operational logistics to safeguard our students’ safety.
- All Parents - Please remind your children that if they arrive prior to 8:15am, it is important that they (and you, if you’re with them) wait in the rotunda in the front of school and not advance onto campus. We offer supervision starting at 8:15am and need to keep the campus clear until then.
- All TK/Kinder Parents - It seems so tempting to park your car in the drive through to pick up your child. Please don’t. This is a fire lane and it cannot be blocked. Please park in the parking lot or neighborhood.
- All TK/Kinder Parents - Please do not approach the classrooms until the 12pm bell rings. Please wait in the rotunda. That is the round area in the front of the school directly outside of the multi. We ask this of you so we may keep the blacktops clear until dismissal.
- Parents in Grades 1 & 2 - Please wait in the rotunda until your student comes to you once the bell has rung. The teacher will walk them down to the front of school. If you remain at school until the next dismissal, please supervise your own children. Please support your child in a quiet activity. Please do not allow them to play tag, chase, etc…
- Parents in Grades 3 thru 6 - Please wait in the rotunda until your student comes to you once the bell has rung. Your child is a big kid now and will find you.
- To All Parents - Our play structures are only available to students during school hours. Structures are closed immediately after school and reopen at 3:30pm. This is due to liability issues. The campus must be cleared before children begin playing under your supervision.
- To All Parents - If using the drive through to pick up your child, please do not exit your car under any circumstances. This is a fire lane and we may not have vehicles in the drive through.
- Dogs are not permitted on campus during school hours unless part of the instructional program and prior arrangements secured.
- To report an absences call 917-5454, or email almondsecretary@lasdschools.
org . - Remind your children that our sidewalks are for pedestrians. Please ask them to walk their bikes and scooters as soon as they step onto the sidewalk.
Thank you very much for your ongoing support.
- Are you looking for interesting programs after school right here at Almond?
- Take a look at the options we offer including Sports, Technology, Design, Art and Music
- *NEW* offerings this Fall –Interior Design, Martial Arts, Jr Chefs Cooking, Lacrosse and Gymnastics. We also have a new Tennis offering.
- It’s simple to sign up! Go to the After School Programs schedule on the Almond website.
- Please contact Jennel Massey with any questions. Also if you missed the end of year Survey and have feedback on how we can continue to improve the after school offerings, please complete it HERE!
Welcome Back Parents! Please remember to do your Almond PTA Back to School registration available at THIS link. This is different than the Los Altos School District's InfoSnap registration that you completed.
- Hot Lunch Volunteer Coordinator - schedule parent volunteers for daily Hot Lunch service; put out the schedule before each Fall 2017 semester and Spring 2018 semester (shift reminders automated); educate new parent volunteers on hot lunch rules; recruit parent volunteers as needed for shifts.
- Hot Lunch Vendor Liaison - communicate with Pasta Market on any issues that arise (including menu); stock lunchroom supplies; hangs weekly menu signs.
- Walkathon Silent Auction Chair - secure donations of items and parties for auction; set-up and run silent auction during the Walkathon event on 10/14/17 on the blacktop at Almond school.
- Yearbook Editor - take or secure photos of students in many activities throughout the year and official school photos; use software to organize the yearbook; add original artwork, messaging to pages to customize; organize delivery before the end of the school year.
Please contact Rachel Harnish,, Almond PTA President.
We are in need of lunch supervision support for grades 1 - 6. If you would like to help us out from 12pm - 1pm and get paid a whopping $17.61/hour, please let me know. We need support every day of the week but will take any time you’re willing to spare. Also, if you know of a friend who might be interested in such an opportunity, please have them contact me. THANKS!
[none at this time]
[none at this time]
Send announcements to us at AlmondThursdayWord@
Quick Links…
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:
Almond Elementary School Website
Copyright © 2003-2016 Los Altos School District. All rights reserved.
August 17, 2017
- Thursday, 8/17
- First Morning Assembly (8:30am, Blacktop)
- Early Release (TK/K @ 12pm, Gr. 1/2 @ 1:25pm, Gr. 3-6 @ 1:45pm)
- Friday, 8/18
- New Family Orientation led by Principal (Multi, 6:30pm)
- Back to School Ice Cream Social (Blacktop, 7pm)
- Monday, 8/21 - Solar Eclipse
- Wednesday, 8/23 - Picture Day Grades TK-3
- Thursday, 8/24 - Picture Day Grades 4-6
- Thursday, 8/31 - Back to School Night
- 6:00pm - 6:40pm Classroom Visits (4-6)
6:45pm - 7:00pm School Message in Multi (standing, no seats)
7:05pm - 7:45pm Classroom Visits (TK-3)
- 6:00pm - 6:40pm Classroom Visits (4-6)
- Friday, 9/1 - Minimum Day (Dismissal @ 12:15pm for Grades 1-6, TK/K @ 12pm)
- Monday, 9/4 - Holiday, No School
- Wednesday, 9/20 - PTA General Meeting (Multi @ 8:30am)
- Friday, 9/22 - LASD Staff Development Day, No School
And just like that...the 2017-18 school year is underway!
It was wonderful to reconnect with many of you at the School Coffee yesterday and to meet some of our new families. Thank you to all the PTA leaders who set up the multi to welcome neighbors and friends. Together, we will make this a glorious year.
On the first day of school students and teachers were busy establishing new routines and reviewing expectations. We have a common language around this; SOAR (Solve problems. Own my learning. Always make good choices. Respect myself and others.) Time in homerooms was also dedicated to building relationships and learning about each other. Our student population contains so much beauty in its diversity; differing backgrounds, languages, cultures, and more. We are very fortunate to weave together into a tapestry that is so vibrant and magnificent.
The Almond Staff hopes you can join us this morning for our first Thursday Assembly at 8:30am. We have something special planned to kick off this year.
Finally - We humbly ask for your support with a few operational logistics to safeguard our students’ safety.
- All Parents - Please remind your children that if they arrive prior to 8:15am, it is important that they (and you, if you’re with them) wait in the rotunda in the front of school and not advance onto campus. We offer supervision starting at 8:15am and need to keep the campus clear until then.
- All TK/Kinder Parents - It seems so tempting to park your car in the drive through to pick up your child. Please don’t. This is a fire lane and it cannot be blocked. Please park in the parking lot or neighborhood.
- All TK/Kinder Parents - Please do not approach the classrooms until the 12pm bell rings. Please wait in the rotunda. That is the round area in the front of the school directly outside of the multi. We ask this of you so we may keep the blacktops clear until dismissal.
- Parents in Grades 1 & 2 - Please wait in the rotunda until your student comes to you once the bell has rung. The teacher will walk them down to the front of school. If you remain at school until the next dismissal, please supervise your own children. Please support your child in a quiet activity. Please do not allow them to play tag, chase, etc…
- Parents in Grades 3 thru 6 - Please wait in the rotunda until your student comes to you once the bell has rung. Your child is a big kid now and will find you.
- To All Parents - Our play structures are only available to students during school hours. Structures are closed immediately after school and reopen at 3:30pm. This is due to liability issues. The campus must be cleared before children begin playing under your supervision.
- To All Parents - If using the drive through to pick up your child, please do not exit your car under any circumstances. This is a fire lane and we may not have vehicles in the drive through.
- Dogs are not permitted on campus during school hours unless part of the instructional program and prior arrangements secured.
- To report an absences call 917-5454, or email almondsecretary@lasdschools.
org . - Remind your children that our sidewalks are for pedestrians. Please ask them to walk their bikes and scooters as soon as they step onto the sidewalk.
Thank you very much for your ongoing support.
- Are you looking for interesting programs after school right here at Almond?
- Take a look at the options we offer including Sports, Technology, Design, Art and Music
- *NEW* offerings this Fall –Interior Design, Martial Arts, Jr Chefs Cooking, Lacrosse and Gymnastics. We also have a new Tennis offering.
- It’s simple to sign up! Go to the After School Programs schedule on the Almond website.
- Please contact Jennel Massey with any questions. Also if you missed the end of year Survey and have feedback on how we can continue to improve the after school offerings, please complete it HERE!
Welcome Back Parents! Please remember to do your Almond PTA Back to School registration available at THIS link. This is different than the Los Altos School District's InfoSnap registration that you completed.
- Hot Lunch Volunteer Coordinator - schedule parent volunteers for daily Hot Lunch service; put out the schedule before each Fall 2017 semester and Spring 2018 semester (shift reminders automated); educate new parent volunteers on hot lunch rules; recruit parent volunteers as needed for shifts.
- Hot Lunch Vendor Liaison - communicate with Pasta Market on any issues that arise (including menu); stock lunchroom supplies; hangs weekly menu signs.
- Walkathon Silent Auction Chair - secure donations of items and parties for auction; set-up and run silent auction during the Walkathon event on 10/14/17 on the blacktop at Almond school.
- Yearbook Editor - take or secure photos of students in many activities throughout the year and official school photos; use software to organize the yearbook; add original artwork, messaging to pages to customize; organize delivery before the end of the school year.
Please contact Rachel Harnish,, Almond PTA President.
We are in need of lunch supervision support for grades 1 - 6. If you would like to help us out from 12pm - 1pm and get paid a whopping $17.61/hour, please let me know. We need support every day of the week but will take any time you’re willing to spare. Also, if you know of a friend who might be interested in such an opportunity, please have them contact me. THANKS!
[none at this time]
[none at this time]
Send announcements to us at AlmondThursdayWord@
Quick Links…
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:
Almond Elementary School Website
Copyright © 2003-2016 Los Altos School District. All rights reserved.