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October 19, 2017

October 19, 2017


  • Thursday, 10/19Minimum Day (12:15pm Dismissal)
  • Thursday, 10/26, School Coffee re: New Generation Science Standards (8:45am, Multi)
  • Friday, 10/27, SPOOK-A-THON, Walkathon smooshed with the Halloween Carnival
    • 8:05 - 8:30am  Drop off pumpkins at the Rotunda for Pumpkin Carving Contest.
    • 1:30 - 2:45pm  Walkathon on the grassy field
      • Start time and length will vary by grade level but all will walk during this time
      • Families are welcome to join in
    • 2:25 - 3:00pm  School dismissed on NORMAL Schedule. Go home, don your costume.
    • 3:30 - 5:30pm  Halloween Carnival & Pumpkin Carving Awards on the blacktop.
    • 3:45 - 5:15pm  Silent Auction in the middle of the blacktop.


The parking lot is being prepped for Monday’s, 10/23 Solar Parking Lot Project; RESERVED spots have been demarcated.

RESERVED spots are for:

  • Traveling LASD staff who venture from school to school and have very little time to get from one place to another
  • LAEF volunteers from the Art Docent and Living Classroom programs who have tons of materials to transport for lessons
  • Auction winners who paid money to support our school and for the benefit of having a spot available to them every day, throughout the day
  • Persons with valid handicap parking identifiers
  • Almond staff who work on site

Unfortunately, for eight weeks, there will not be a single spot available for school families to utilize.  Many Almond staff members will be parking in the neighborhood and will have tags provided by LASD to support local law enforcement who will be monitoring activity in the streets.  Families - Please DO NOT park in any spot in the parking lot while the solar project is underway.

Why must we even bother to send this message?  Because currently, reserved and staff spots are not respected by some members of our community.  When you see a spot that says staff and you park in that spot, even for 15 minutes, you create a situation where a staff member pulls into their workplace and cannot find a place to situate their vehicle and must then circulate and find alternate options.  When you park in the reserved spot of a family who contributed a sizable financial donation to not only benefit our school, but to also allow for the convenience of an in and out spot, you are essentially communicating that their generosity is not of value.

Almond staff will be monitoring the parking lot during arrival time, ensuring that any spot occupied is occupied by someone with an official tag that is being provided by LASD.  If a car without a tag is located in a spot, announcements will be made to have that individual move their car immediately, and if necessary, parking enforcement will be contacted.

Thank you to the many members of our community who heed by these guidelines and support an effective atmosphere of mutual respect in our parking lot on a daily basis.



The Los Altos Educational Foundation (LAEF) provides funding for our teachers and staff in the areas of STEM, arts, literacy, wellness and personalized learning. The Foundation’s biggest fundraiser, the Phonathon, is coming up on October 24th and 25th and we are asking for every family to participate in two ways:

  • First, please make sure you donate or pledge before Oct 20 and save our volunteers a phone call. Our goal is to increase our participation rate this year by 5% so please participate at whatever level is meaningful to your family.  If you’re a first-time donor or if you increase your gift to LAEF this year, it will be doubled by the LAEF’s Board of Directors, up to $50,000.
  • Second, join LASD Superintendent Jeff Baier, teachers and staff, LAEF board members and other parents at the LAEF Phonathon for some food, fun and phoning! Click here to volunteer at the LAEF Phonathon and don’t forget to bring a friend too! The more calls we make, the more funding we can raise to support our teachers.


  • The 49ers Youth Football team will be traveling to Bay Areas Schools and Loyola was selected as one of the schools!!!  This one day camp is open to both boys and girls between the ages of 7-14 years old.  The camp consists of fun, non-contact football drills, pep talks emphasizing important values that can be learned from playing sports and learn about proper hydration. This FREE, one day, 90-minute session is limited to a max of 200 kids (first children with completed waivers, will be accepted).
  • Date:    Thursday, October 26
  • Time:    3:00- 4:45pm
  • Where: Loyola Grass Fields
  • Cost:    Free
  • Requirement: Completed Waivers must be submitted by October 23rd in Loyola PTA folder in the office labeled “49er Youth Camp” or emailed to
  • Signup:
  • Please note that it is an early dismissal day (1:25pm for 1-2nd & 1:45pm for 3-6th grade) for Loyola and there will be no adult supervision on campus between 1:45pm- 3pm (event start time).
  • We hope your children will join us for this one-time special event!
  • Ash Mehta & Cathy Pacheco

(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Ryan Alaghbash, 10/16/17, Respecting self and others. Ryan showed kindness to another student by helping him understand directions.
  • Kyle Anderson, 10/12/17, Owning learning. Helped clean up room after indoor lunch.
  • Matthew Ballabio, 10/16/17, Respecting self and others. Matthew took initiative to help another student by helping him understand directions.
  • Jeff Chen, 10/6/17, Solving problems, Respecting self and others. Leading a class discussion on respect. <3 Mrs. Better
  • Aiden Cuppett, 10/11/17, Always making good choices. Showing compassion and kindness to a 2nd grader who was hurt on the playground.
  • Jagger Heath, 10/6/17, Solving problems, Respecting self and others. Leading a class discussion on respect. <3 Mrs. Better
  • Ryan Jaiswal, 10/12/17, Owning learning. Helped clean up room after indoor lunch.
  • Milly Jones, 10/12/17, Respecting self and others. For always working with a great respect for her classmates and groupmates. Milly is the embodiment of true partnership. She is always positive and willing to work with all her peers.
  • Rohan Kim, 10/12/17, Owning learning. Helped clean up room after indoor lunch.
  • Parker Lee, 10/12/17, Owning learning. Helped clean up room after indoor lunch.
  • Cole Massey, 10/12/17, Always making good choices. Helping a friend during indoor lunch recess. Mrs. Burke :-)
  • Drew Mauss, 10/19/17, Always making good choices.  Drew has been working hard on making great choices these past two weeks.
  • David Morales, 10/16/17, Always making good choices. For making great choices during our field trip.
  • Ashkon Raissinia, 10/11/17, Always making good choices. Showing compassion and kindness to a 2nd grader who was hurt on the playground.
  • Ashkon Raissinia, 10/18/17, Solving problems. For helping pick up materials that had fallen on the floor, for Max, whose hand is in a cast.
  • Leigh Reed, 10/17/17, Owning learning. Leigh is actively seeking to make sense of and deepening her knowledge of math. She is unafraid of tackling difficult math problems.
  • Daisy Sanders, 10/11/17, Always making good choices. Honesty and integrity.
  • Arhan Schulze, 10/6/17, 10/6/17, Solving problems, Respecting self and others. Leading a class discussion on respect. <3 Mrs. Better
  • Trisha Shetty, 10/12/17, Owning learning. Keeping her debate group on task. Mrs. Burke :-)
  • Finley Stuart, 10/12/17, Owning learning. Helped clean up room after indoor lunch.
  • Siwoo Yun, 10/19/17, Owning learning.  Siwoo has been working hard on learning English at home using Rosetta Stone since summer time.


Girl Scout Bake and Jamba Juice Sale for Hurricane Victims - October 24th

  • Almond Girl Scouts will be selling baked goods and Jamba Juice Tuesday October 24th after school in the Rotunda
  • Funds will go to Girl Scout Councils impacted by Hurricane Harvey and Irma for rebuilding Girl Scout facilities and supporting girls in impacted troops  through Girl Scouts
  • All baked goods will be $1.00 and 10 oz Jamba Juices will be on sale for $3.00

Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.
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