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December 01, 2017

November 30, 2017


  • Tuesday, 12/5, Almond Singers Holiday Concert (8:45am-School Concert for Almond Students; 7pm-Evening Concert for Parents, Families & Friends)
  • Thursday, 12/7, Kindergarten / New Parent Info Night for Prospective Families (7pm, Multi & Classrooms)
  • Monday, 12/11, LASD Music Concert Gr. 4-6 (1pm, Multi)
  • Wednesday, 12/13, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Friday, 12/14School Coffee re: Math Problem of the Month & Number Talks (8:45am, Multi)(Postponed until Friday, 1/19 - a request was made to offer on day other than Thursday.)
  • Tuesday, 12/12
    • CSMA Music Concert Gr. 1-3 (10:30am)
    • CSMA Music Concert Gr. TK/K (11:30am)
  • Monday, 12/18, December Vacation Starts
  • Tuesday, 1/2, School Resumes



  • We will conduct a “Lock Down” drill on December 7th.  The “Lock Down” drill will be tailored by grade level bands.  For example, kindergarten teachers will practice gathering students in an area of the room where they will quietly whisper read a book and explain that if there were ever told they needed to be quiet to keep them safe that they would need to make certain they follow directions carefully.  In a 6th grade room, students will gather in an area of the room and quietly listen to the teacher explain how they might blockade an entrance if their safety were in jeopardy.  We have protocols that we will check that we will not publish here.  
  • The overall message is that school is a safe place and that we are practicing this drill to make certain in an unlikely event that they remain safe.  In any scenario, students need to stay calm and follow adult directions.  Feel free to discuss this in your homes prior to this date.
  • We will not practice an “Active Shooter” drill because this would cause emotional distress with students.  However, our staff has spoken at length about how to support student safety in such a situation.  


  • Last year we welcomed visitors from Hangzhou Dayulu School in China.  Our sister school would like to send visitors to Almond in March of 2018.  The dates have not been finalized.  
  • We received much feedback last year regarding what worked well, and what didn’t.  This was shared transparently with the liaison organization.  It was noted that the English of many of the students was quite limited and that this at times posed a challenge.  We also shared that there are significant differences in our cultures and pleasantries like “please” and “thank you” are an important symbol of gratitude that are valued within our homes.  We addressed the likeliness that some students were too young to travel such a long distance and that students rooming alone also heightened the homesick feeling some experienced.  
  • There were of course many benefits.  Our students were able to learn about another culture by engaging with peers from such a distant land.  We experienced a wonderful performance that exemplified some of the beauty of the Chinese culture.  Families were able to open their homes and share their traditions.
  • In order to determine whether we will move forward with another visit, we’d like to gauge how many Almond families would be interested in hosting a pair of visitors.  If you are interested, please complete THIS survey no later than Wednesday, 12/13.

Many students are walking and riding to school as a result of the solar project’s impact on our parking lot and drive through.  We only have 2 ½ more weeks to endure until it is complete.  Thank you very much for your patience.  Please review these recommendations with your children.  Also - adult drivers - please be aware there are more bikers on the road to be careful swinging their doors open when close to the school.

  • Ride on the right side of the road.
  • Stop at all STOP signs before biking through an intersection.
  • Use hand signals when turning.
  • Look over your left shoulder before turning at an intersection that doesn't have stop signs. Countless children zoom out and turn across the street without looking.
  • Bike as close as possible to where the road meets the house curb except when there is a parked car to safely make room for passing cars.
  • Be prepared for someone in a parked car ahead of you to swing open the door at any second. Look over your shoulder and go out farther on the street when passing a parked car. (My friend's daughter broke several bones and ribs due to such an incident).
  • When biking with someone else or in a group, bike in single file when there are cars coming to make room for them.
  • Only overtake someone on a bike on their left not their right.
  • Walk your bike on all Almond or neighborhood sidewalks.


We’ve cleaned it up and organized it.  All items will be bagged at 12pm on Friday, 12/15 and donated to charity.  Come claim your items now or forever bid them a farewell.

Next week is the Hour of Code.  The STEM Maker Space will be open during lunch on Wednesday and Thursday.  Classroom teachers will also be giving class time for coding during this week.  Here is a website with some resources.

On December 14 the PTA Staff Appreciation Committee is hosting a holiday cookie event for the teachers and staff at Almond.  In order to have enough cookies, we need each class to provide 6 dozen cookies (or classes can provide more!)  Currently we have 45 dozen cookies so we need MANY MORE!  For more details and to sign up, please go to Holiday Cookie Sign Up or contact Lynn Kostow ( or Andrea Bocking (


  • The Almond Drama Program is excited to announce that enrollment is open for our Spring production of “Mulan Jr."
  • Students in Grades 3-6 are encouraged to sign up for this wonderful experience as enrollment is limited to the first 90 students.
  • Story: The Huns have invaded, and it is up to the misfit Mulan and her mischievous dragon sidekick, Mushu, to save the Emperor! Defying the village matchmaker, Mulan takes up arms and disguises herself as a boy in order to spare her father from having to serve in the army. As the great battle with the Huns approaches, Mulan must choose between revealing her true identity or saving all of China with her clever plan.
  • Start Date: Thursday, January 18, 2018
  • Grades:  3-6
  • Rehearsal Days/Times:  Monday 3:00pm - 4:45pm and Thursday 1:45pm - 4:00pm
  • Additional/extended rehearsals:  May 7-10
  • Performances:  May 10-12, 2018
  • Enrollment DUE date:  January 17, 2018
  • To participate: 1) Complete this registration form (one per child). 2) For each child participating, write a $150 check made out to "Almond PTA"  with your child's name in the memo. 3) Drop the check off in the box labeled "Almond Drama Program" in the school office.
  • If you have any questions please email Luisa Smith at or Lori Sevcik at

A fabulous (but temporary) artisan market on Saturday, Dec 2, 11am-8pm will offer 15% of all proceeds will benefit local schools! Locally-made gifts for everyone on your list! 1939 West El Camino Real, Mountain View.

LAEF:  Coming up … LASD Winter Music Concerts & Computer Science Ed Week

  • We hope you enjoy the sounds of the season coming from our 4th, 5th and 6th grade LASD Winter Music Concerts in addition to hearing inspiring stories of our K-8 students participating in “Hour of Code” during Computer Science Education Week.  Parent donations to LAEF have made these enriching educational experiences possible.
  • That’s why we are requesting your support by donating at by 12/31.

Pilates After School - SPECIAL PROMOTION!

  • Looking a fun class for your kids to learn basic anatomy, body alignment and Pilates moves? That's us! We play lots of fun movement games and wrap each class with a short meditation.
  • NEW Dates: Dec 5 - Feb 27 (no class Dec 18-Jan 1, Jan 16, Feb 19-23)
    • Time: 3:00-4:10pm (Grade 1 and 2 students meet at 2:40 and will be supervised)
    • Price: $325 (includes healthy snacks, mat use, course materials, and t-shirt)
    • SPECIAL PROMOTION - get $55 off Winter Session with code PRPRO55
  • Please go to to register. Register now and remember to use code PRPRO55.
  • For questions, please contact We hope to see your child in our class!
  • From Coach Amie & Olivera


  • All LASD 6th Graders are invited to submit an application for the 2017 Synopsis Silicon Valley Science & Technology Challenge
  • What: Synopsis Silicon Valley Science & Technology Championship
  • Science and Engineering competition for middle school and high school students
  • Who: Students in Grade 6 only-no exceptions
  • Where: San Jose Convention Center
  • When: Thursday, March 15, 2018
  • Please click here for more information.


  • What: Tech Challenge
  • Team Design Challenge for students that introduces and reinforces the scientific process with a hands-on project geared to solving a real world problem.
  • Who: Students in Grades 4-12 only-no exceptions
  • Where: The Tech Museum, San Jose
  • When: April 28, 2018 – Please note that this is the same day as Junior Olympics.
  • Please click here for more information.



  • Hot Lunch Vendor Liaison - responsibilities include keeping lunch room stocked with paper plates, napkins and food handling gloves, communicate with Pasta Market regarding new menus, parent requests or comments, post new menus 3x/year.  
  • Bulletin Boards - Update the front and interior bulletin boards with current important date reminders and calendars
  • Please contact Almond PTA President, Rachel Harnish, if you can help with these positions.

We are gearing up for the Almond Spring Gala and need your help! In order for the gala to be a success, we rely on donations for both the silent and live auctions.  Donations can be anything. Consider donating a week or weekend at your vacation home, sporting events tickets, free classes to an activity, theatre tickets, spa packages, wine/vineyard tours, a tour to a Bay Area tech company, camp sessions, Almond parent parties, Almond student/class parties, etc. Please contact Nina Krammer ( or Gabby Gomez ( if you have any donation ideas or questions.  Or, simply visit the donation link and submit your donation online at

(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Emilia Chen, 11/29/17, Owning learning. You have been working hard to make it to school on time. Way to go!
  • Christopher Flynn, 11/29/17, Owning learning. Working hard and persevering to achieve your math goal!
  • Ryan Ghasemfar, 11/29/17, Solving problems, Always making good choices. Ryan chooses to clean up trash and lunch with his friend.
  • Jungsoo Hahn, 11/29/17, Respecting self and others.. Jungsoo took the initiative to help clean up campus during her recess when she noticed trash on campus.
  • Everly Kraska, 11/29/17, Owning learning. You used post-it notes to trun tricky words in to "snap" words!
  • Kavin Lingham, 11/29/17, Owning learning. Kavin always shows excitement for learning new things and also loves to share his learning with others.
  • Joshua Lopez, 11/29/17, Owning learning. Using math tools to support his learning in problem solving. Mrs. Burke :-)
  • Andrew Onodera, 11/28/17, Solving problems, Owning learning. During math, I asked if anyone can explain their thought process. Andrew said he knew the answer but couldn't explain it. I asked him to try and he explained it beautifully. He was unsure but tried his best!
  • Andy Palant, 11/29/17, Owning learning. You used post-it notes to trun tricky words in to "snap" words!
  • Eva Rolnik, 11/29/17, Owning learning. Asking thoughtful, clarifying questions in Reader's Workshop. Mrs. Burke :-)
  • Ava Sabharwal, 11/29/17, Owning learning, Respecting self and others. You are always willing to help others. You also have a wonderful attitude towards learning.
  • Mayank Shah, 11/29/17, Owning learning. Working hard and practicing led to you becoming fluent in your addition and subtraction facts. Way to go!
  • Inika Sridhar, 11/29/17, Owning learning. Inika works to stay on task and learn new things.
  • Dmitrii Titov, 11/28/17, Respecting self and others. Thank you, Dmitrii, for picking up the calculator you found in the hallway and returning it to its home in Room 15! _Mrs. Vriksha
  • Aidan White, 11/28/17, Owning learning. For being deeply self-motivated and always striving for the highest quality of work, especially in Writer's Workshop and Reader's Workshop. -Mrs. Vriksha
  • Aiko Yamasaki, 11/29/17, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Aiko always works hard to do her best, help others and show kindness. she also always says, "Good morning!" to classmates and teachers.
  • Eric Zhang, 11/29/17, Solving problems, Always making good choices. Eric chooses to clean up trash and lunch with his friend.

Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.
Quick Links…
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:
Almond Elementary School Website
Copyright © 2003-2016 Los Altos School District.  All rights reserved.

November 30, 2017


  • Tuesday, 12/5, Almond Singers Holiday Concert (8:45am-School Concert for Almond Students; 7pm-Evening Concert for Parents, Families & Friends)
  • Thursday, 12/7, Kindergarten / New Parent Info Night for Prospective Families (7pm, Multi & Classrooms)
  • Monday, 12/11, LASD Music Concert Gr. 4-6 (1pm, Multi)
  • Wednesday, 12/13, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Friday, 12/14School Coffee re: Math Problem of the Month & Number Talks (8:45am, Multi)(Postponed until Friday, 1/19 - a request was made to offer on day other than Thursday.)
  • Tuesday, 12/12
    • CSMA Music Concert Gr. 1-3 (10:30am)
    • CSMA Music Concert Gr. TK/K (11:30am)
  • Monday, 12/18, December Vacation Starts
  • Tuesday, 1/2, School Resumes



  • We will conduct a “Lock Down” drill on December 7th.  The “Lock Down” drill will be tailored by grade level bands.  For example, kindergarten teachers will practice gathering students in an area of the room where they will quietly whisper read a book and explain that if there were ever told they needed to be quiet to keep them safe that they would need to make certain they follow directions carefully.  In a 6th grade room, students will gather in an area of the room and quietly listen to the teacher explain how they might blockade an entrance if their safety were in jeopardy.  We have protocols that we will check that we will not publish here.  
  • The overall message is that school is a safe place and that we are practicing this drill to make certain in an unlikely event that they remain safe.  In any scenario, students need to stay calm and follow adult directions.  Feel free to discuss this in your homes prior to this date.
  • We will not practice an “Active Shooter” drill because this would cause emotional distress with students.  However, our staff has spoken at length about how to support student safety in such a situation.  


  • Last year we welcomed visitors from Hangzhou Dayulu School in China.  Our sister school would like to send visitors to Almond in March of 2018.  The dates have not been finalized.  
  • We received much feedback last year regarding what worked well, and what didn’t.  This was shared transparently with the liaison organization.  It was noted that the English of many of the students was quite limited and that this at times posed a challenge.  We also shared that there are significant differences in our cultures and pleasantries like “please” and “thank you” are an important symbol of gratitude that are valued within our homes.  We addressed the likeliness that some students were too young to travel such a long distance and that students rooming alone also heightened the homesick feeling some experienced.  
  • There were of course many benefits.  Our students were able to learn about another culture by engaging with peers from such a distant land.  We experienced a wonderful performance that exemplified some of the beauty of the Chinese culture.  Families were able to open their homes and share their traditions.
  • In order to determine whether we will move forward with another visit, we’d like to gauge how many Almond families would be interested in hosting a pair of visitors.  If you are interested, please complete THIS survey no later than Wednesday, 12/13.

Many students are walking and riding to school as a result of the solar project’s impact on our parking lot and drive through.  We only have 2 ½ more weeks to endure until it is complete.  Thank you very much for your patience.  Please review these recommendations with your children.  Also - adult drivers - please be aware there are more bikers on the road to be careful swinging their doors open when close to the school.

  • Ride on the right side of the road.
  • Stop at all STOP signs before biking through an intersection.
  • Use hand signals when turning.
  • Look over your left shoulder before turning at an intersection that doesn't have stop signs. Countless children zoom out and turn across the street without looking.
  • Bike as close as possible to where the road meets the house curb except when there is a parked car to safely make room for passing cars.
  • Be prepared for someone in a parked car ahead of you to swing open the door at any second. Look over your shoulder and go out farther on the street when passing a parked car. (My friend's daughter broke several bones and ribs due to such an incident).
  • When biking with someone else or in a group, bike in single file when there are cars coming to make room for them.
  • Only overtake someone on a bike on their left not their right.
  • Walk your bike on all Almond or neighborhood sidewalks.


We’ve cleaned it up and organized it.  All items will be bagged at 12pm on Friday, 12/15 and donated to charity.  Come claim your items now or forever bid them a farewell.

Next week is the Hour of Code.  The STEM Maker Space will be open during lunch on Wednesday and Thursday.  Classroom teachers will also be giving class time for coding during this week.  Here is a website with some resources.

On December 14 the PTA Staff Appreciation Committee is hosting a holiday cookie event for the teachers and staff at Almond.  In order to have enough cookies, we need each class to provide 6 dozen cookies (or classes can provide more!)  Currently we have 45 dozen cookies so we need MANY MORE!  For more details and to sign up, please go to Holiday Cookie Sign Up or contact Lynn Kostow ( or Andrea Bocking (


  • The Almond Drama Program is excited to announce that enrollment is open for our Spring production of “Mulan Jr."
  • Students in Grades 3-6 are encouraged to sign up for this wonderful experience as enrollment is limited to the first 90 students.
  • Story: The Huns have invaded, and it is up to the misfit Mulan and her mischievous dragon sidekick, Mushu, to save the Emperor! Defying the village matchmaker, Mulan takes up arms and disguises herself as a boy in order to spare her father from having to serve in the army. As the great battle with the Huns approaches, Mulan must choose between revealing her true identity or saving all of China with her clever plan.
  • Start Date: Thursday, January 18, 2018
  • Grades:  3-6
  • Rehearsal Days/Times:  Monday 3:00pm - 4:45pm and Thursday 1:45pm - 4:00pm
  • Additional/extended rehearsals:  May 7-10
  • Performances:  May 10-12, 2018
  • Enrollment DUE date:  January 17, 2018
  • To participate: 1) Complete this registration form (one per child). 2) For each child participating, write a $150 check made out to "Almond PTA"  with your child's name in the memo. 3) Drop the check off in the box labeled "Almond Drama Program" in the school office.
  • If you have any questions please email Luisa Smith at or Lori Sevcik at

A fabulous (but temporary) artisan market on Saturday, Dec 2, 11am-8pm will offer 15% of all proceeds will benefit local schools! Locally-made gifts for everyone on your list! 1939 West El Camino Real, Mountain View.

LAEF:  Coming up … LASD Winter Music Concerts & Computer Science Ed Week

  • We hope you enjoy the sounds of the season coming from our 4th, 5th and 6th grade LASD Winter Music Concerts in addition to hearing inspiring stories of our K-8 students participating in “Hour of Code” during Computer Science Education Week.  Parent donations to LAEF have made these enriching educational experiences possible.
  • That’s why we are requesting your support by donating at by 12/31.

Pilates After School - SPECIAL PROMOTION!

  • Looking a fun class for your kids to learn basic anatomy, body alignment and Pilates moves? That's us! We play lots of fun movement games and wrap each class with a short meditation.
  • NEW Dates: Dec 5 - Feb 27 (no class Dec 18-Jan 1, Jan 16, Feb 19-23)
    • Time: 3:00-4:10pm (Grade 1 and 2 students meet at 2:40 and will be supervised)
    • Price: $325 (includes healthy snacks, mat use, course materials, and t-shirt)
    • SPECIAL PROMOTION - get $55 off Winter Session with code PRPRO55
  • Please go to to register. Register now and remember to use code PRPRO55.
  • For questions, please contact We hope to see your child in our class!
  • From Coach Amie & Olivera


  • All LASD 6th Graders are invited to submit an application for the 2017 Synopsis Silicon Valley Science & Technology Challenge
  • What: Synopsis Silicon Valley Science & Technology Championship
  • Science and Engineering competition for middle school and high school students
  • Who: Students in Grade 6 only-no exceptions
  • Where: San Jose Convention Center
  • When: Thursday, March 15, 2018
  • Please click here for more information.


  • What: Tech Challenge
  • Team Design Challenge for students that introduces and reinforces the scientific process with a hands-on project geared to solving a real world problem.
  • Who: Students in Grades 4-12 only-no exceptions
  • Where: The Tech Museum, San Jose
  • When: April 28, 2018 – Please note that this is the same day as Junior Olympics.
  • Please click here for more information.



  • Hot Lunch Vendor Liaison - responsibilities include keeping lunch room stocked with paper plates, napkins and food handling gloves, communicate with Pasta Market regarding new menus, parent requests or comments, post new menus 3x/year.  
  • Bulletin Boards - Update the front and interior bulletin boards with current important date reminders and calendars
  • Please contact Almond PTA President, Rachel Harnish, if you can help with these positions.

We are gearing up for the Almond Spring Gala and need your help! In order for the gala to be a success, we rely on donations for both the silent and live auctions.  Donations can be anything. Consider donating a week or weekend at your vacation home, sporting events tickets, free classes to an activity, theatre tickets, spa packages, wine/vineyard tours, a tour to a Bay Area tech company, camp sessions, Almond parent parties, Almond student/class parties, etc. Please contact Nina Krammer ( or Gabby Gomez ( if you have any donation ideas or questions.  Or, simply visit the donation link and submit your donation online at

(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Emilia Chen, 11/29/17, Owning learning. You have been working hard to make it to school on time. Way to go!
  • Christopher Flynn, 11/29/17, Owning learning. Working hard and persevering to achieve your math goal!
  • Ryan Ghasemfar, 11/29/17, Solving problems, Always making good choices. Ryan chooses to clean up trash and lunch with his friend.
  • Jungsoo Hahn, 11/29/17, Respecting self and others.. Jungsoo took the initiative to help clean up campus during her recess when she noticed trash on campus.
  • Everly Kraska, 11/29/17, Owning learning. You used post-it notes to trun tricky words in to "snap" words!
  • Kavin Lingham, 11/29/17, Owning learning. Kavin always shows excitement for learning new things and also loves to share his learning with others.
  • Joshua Lopez, 11/29/17, Owning learning. Using math tools to support his learning in problem solving. Mrs. Burke :-)
  • Andrew Onodera, 11/28/17, Solving problems, Owning learning. During math, I asked if anyone can explain their thought process. Andrew said he knew the answer but couldn't explain it. I asked him to try and he explained it beautifully. He was unsure but tried his best!
  • Andy Palant, 11/29/17, Owning learning. You used post-it notes to trun tricky words in to "snap" words!
  • Eva Rolnik, 11/29/17, Owning learning. Asking thoughtful, clarifying questions in Reader's Workshop. Mrs. Burke :-)
  • Ava Sabharwal, 11/29/17, Owning learning, Respecting self and others. You are always willing to help others. You also have a wonderful attitude towards learning.
  • Mayank Shah, 11/29/17, Owning learning. Working hard and practicing led to you becoming fluent in your addition and subtraction facts. Way to go!
  • Inika Sridhar, 11/29/17, Owning learning. Inika works to stay on task and learn new things.
  • Dmitrii Titov, 11/28/17, Respecting self and others. Thank you, Dmitrii, for picking up the calculator you found in the hallway and returning it to its home in Room 15! _Mrs. Vriksha
  • Aidan White, 11/28/17, Owning learning. For being deeply self-motivated and always striving for the highest quality of work, especially in Writer's Workshop and Reader's Workshop. -Mrs. Vriksha
  • Aiko Yamasaki, 11/29/17, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Aiko always works hard to do her best, help others and show kindness. she also always says, "Good morning!" to classmates and teachers.
  • Eric Zhang, 11/29/17, Solving problems, Always making good choices. Eric chooses to clean up trash and lunch with his friend.

Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.
Quick Links…
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:
Almond Elementary School Website
Copyright © 2003-2016 Los Altos School District.  All rights reserved.

For technical questions and comments regarding this website, please contact the Webmaster.