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December 14, 2017

December 14, 2017


  • Thursday, 12/14School Coffee re: Math Problem of the Month & Number Talks (8:45am, Multi)(Postponed until Friday, 1/19 - a request was made to offer on day other than Thursday.)
  • Monday, 12/18, December Vacation Starts
  • Tuesday, 1/2, School Resumes
  • Friday, 1/12, Bookwave Deadline
  • Thursday, 1/18, 21st Century Parenting: Raising gritty, compassionate, problem-solvers in the digital age (7pm, Multi)
  • Friday, 1/19, School Coffee re: Math Problem of the Month & Number Talks (8:30am, Library)
  • Thursday, 2/8, School Coffee re: 6th Grade Transition to 7th Grade at Egan (8:30am, Multi)


...From Mrs. Benadom

As we close the 2017 calendar year, there is much for which to be grateful.

  • Almond Teachers - Your commitment to working together in service of each child’s academic and social/emotional needs is unsurpassed.  You are brave, innovative, reflective, and inspiring.  You push each other to become the best educators you can be.  You are honest, forthright, and solution oriented.  You weather many storms and demonstrate resilience daily. You care deeply about your students.  You go above and beyond to support each and every one of them.  You are appreciated.  You are loved.  Thank you for being who you are.
  • Almond Support Staff - At times you are the unsung heroes.  You dress up in Winnie the Pooh outfits to build rapport with students.  You take your lunch time to visit with students at lunch to make connections with kids.  You take the time to support students who need breaks by chatting with them in the office.  You retrieve the principal’s keys out of the dumpster on a day that turns out to be filled with various challenges.  You exhibit love and understanding to students when they are letting out their tough moments on you and start each day as though it’s going to be the best day ever.  You are appreciated.  You are loved.  Thank you for being who you are.
  • Almond Parents - Your hearts are filled with endless generosity.  You are compassionate.  You treat students and staff with respect through your words and actions.  You entrust us with your children and we hold this responsibility with incredible regard.  You support each other in times of need.  You express your gratitude.  You volunteer countless hours of your time to helping in the classroom and various other school events.  You model the behavior we teach our children to exhibit.  You are appreciated.  You are loved.  Thank you for being who you are.
  • Almond Students - You are the reason we exist.  You are extraordinary - each and every single one of you.  No two of you are the same; and that is beautiful.  You are the future of this world.  It is our privilege to contribute to your growth.  You make us laugh.  You challenge us.  You keep us on our toes.  You hold each others’ hands.  You read quietly on benches during recess.  You run at every chance when a grown up is not within eye shot.  You are perfectly designed.  You are appreciated.  You are loved.  Thank you for being who you are.

The new year can afford us the opportunity to reset and start fresh.  

When we return on Tuesday, January 2nd, our parking lot will once again be fully accessible to the entire staff and our community.  Our two lane drive through will be restored, yet the two lane traffic that formerly existed between the first and second rows of parked cars will be reduced to one due to new regulations regarding handicapped parking.

Please - I beg of you, when you are traveling by car into our parking lot or making your way along the drive through area, please do so with extreme caution and attentiveness.  

  • Please put down your mobile devices.  
  • Please turn down your music.  
  • Please look in all directions.  
  • Please drive slowly.
  • If you are arriving late to school, take a deep breath.  All that ultimately matters is - you made it.
  • If you are late picking up your child, take a deep breath.  All that ultimately matters is - you made it.
  • If you’re rushing to your next commitment, please, take a deep breath.  Your life, and the life of every child and adult on this campus are priceless.  It only takes one instant for carelessness to turn into tragedy and that moment can never be rewound.
  • Let us all work together to keep every person that visits our campus safe.

In closing, enjoy the upcoming weeks with your families.  Whether you celebrate Hannukah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, something else, or nothing at all - we are grateful for the richness that you and your children bring to our diverse community.

Happy Holidays.  See you next year.


Beth Leach (Almond’s STEM IST) and Karen Wilson (LASD STEM Coordinator) will host a coffee regarding current research and math instruction.  While automaticity is still a necessary skill for students to master, and algorithms are essential in efficiently solving math problems, there is abundant research that visualizing and conceptual understanding lead to deeper and more sustained math proficiency.  You will hear about this research and how LASD and Almond support learners in growing their math brains.  This talk will be at 8:30am, in the library, on FRIDAY, 1/19.

Keith Rocha, Egan Principal, will host a coffee for any parent interested in learning more about Egan Junior High.  While this event is typically attended by 6th grade parents, it is open to parents of children at any level.  Due to the prior arrangement of this date, it must still take place on its designated Thursday.  However, instead of beginning after the assembly, it will start at 8:30am in the multi.  

Is your child interested in joining the Almond Singers? Registration is now open for the 2018 Spring Semester (Jan-May). Enrollment is open for students in grades 2-6. Mrs. Barnett, Almond Singers Director, has some great things planned for the group, including participating in the Los Altos Festival of Choirs Concert in March! Rehearsals are every Tuesday morning, and resume on Tuesday, January 9, 2018 in the Multi at 7:30am (yes, we know it's early;)! Please email Sandrine Steciw at to register your child. The cost to join is $65 (which is prorated for 1/2 year). Checks should be made out to 'Almond PTA,' and can be dropped off in the PTA box in the school office, or brought to the first rehearsal in 2018. Have your child join their friends and classmates in making beautiful music together!

We are gearing up for the Almond Spring Gala and need your help! In order for the gala to be a success, we rely on donations for both the silent and live auctions.  Donations can be anything. Consider donating a week or weekend at your vacation home, sporting events tickets, free classes to an activity, theatre tickets, spa packages, wine/vineyard tours, a tour to a Bay Area tech company, camp sessions, Almond parent parties, Almond student/class parties, etc. Please contact Nina Krammer ( or Gabby Gomez ( if you have any donation ideas or questions.  Or, simply visit the donation link and submit your donation online at


  • The Almond Drama Program is excited to announce that enrollment is open for our Spring production of “Mulan Jr."
  • Students in Grades 3-6 are encouraged to sign up for this wonderful experience as enrollment is limited to the first 90 students.
  • Story: The Huns have invaded, and it is up to the misfit Mulan and her mischievous dragon sidekick, Mushu, to save the Emperor! Defying the village matchmaker, Mulan takes up arms and disguises herself as a boy in order to spare her father from having to serve in the army. As the great battle with the Huns approaches, Mulan must choose between revealing her true identity or saving all of China with her clever plan.
  • Start Date: Thursday, January 18, 2018
  • Grades:  3-6
  • Rehearsal Days/Times:  Monday 3:00pm - 4:45pm and Thursday 1:45pm - 4:00pm
  • Additional/extended rehearsals:  May 7-10
  • Performances:  May 10-12, 2018
  • Enrollment DUE date:  January 17, 2018
  • To participate: 1) Complete this registration form (one per child). 2) For each child participating, write a $150 check made out to "Almond PTA"  with your child's name in the memo. 3) Drop the check off in the box labeled "Almond Drama Program" in the school office.
  • If you have any questions please email Luisa Smith at or Lori Sevcik at


  • Almond Elementary and Project Cornerstone is sponsoring a parent education event on Thursday, January 18th at 7:00 pm in the Almond multi.  Annie Fox, M.Ed., an award-winning author and educator in the realm of character education and SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) will be presenting on: 21st Century Parenting: Raising gritty, compassionate, problem-solvers in the digital age.
  • This highly interactive discussion focuses on the unique challenges of 21st century parenting as well as the unique challenges of growing up in the 21stcentury. We’ll talk about what’s needed to help our kids develop into fully functioning, resilient young adults with the confidence, compassion and creativity necessary to solve all kinds of problems, throughout their school years and beyond.
  • This is a unique opportunity for parents of K – 8th graders to:
    • Tune in to your child’s psychological/ emotional needs
    • Appreciate the social pressure to “fit in” (online and off) and how that affects the choices your child makes in-and-out of school
    • Understand how your child's “still-under-construction” brain can make it hard for him or her to make safe, ethical choices
    • Explore the role stress and distractions play in preventing parents from doing their most effective job
  • For more information contact Jen Walker at  Annie Fox is the host of the popular podcast Family Confidential: Secrets of Successful Parenting. Annie’s books include: The Girls’ Q&A Book on FriendshipTeaching Kids to Be Good People and the ground-breakingMiddle School Confidential™ book and app series. Learn more at

(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Yasmeen Alaghbash, 12/7/17, Owning learning. New Family/Kindergarten Information Night.
  • Brooke Anderson, 12/7/17, Owning learning. New Family/Kindergarten Information Night.
  • Ashley Avidan, 12/7/17, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Ashley is always focused and ready to learn. She continues to make great choices every day! Yay! :-)
  • Benji Barton, 12/7/17, Owning learning. Benji did a great job owning his learning during a Reader's Workshop by actively listening and taking notes while reading. Yay!
  • Igor Borysov, 12/7/17, Solving problems, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Igor has been making lots of great choices. In the STEM lab he offered for his partner to do the activity first rather than arguing about the choice!!
  • Paula Casares, 12/7/17, Owning learning. New Family/Kindergarten Information Night.
  • Kayla Chin, 12/7/17, Owning learning. New Family/Kindergarten Information Night.
  • Logan Chung, 12/13/17, Owning learning. You wrote an interesting introduction in your nonfiction book that inspired others.
  • Ellie Clark, 12/12/17, Owning learning, Always making good choices. Ellie owns her learning every day. She made a presentation for her student-led conference and brought work samples as evidence. She was so prepared!
  • Adam Daniels, 12/12/17, Owning learning, Always making good choices. Adam is focused and always puts forth his best effort in class. He consistently makes good choices and takes responsibility for his actions. -Mr. Stuart
  • Axel Edin, 12/7/17, Owning learning. New Family/Kindergarten Information Night.
  • Sofie Edin, 12/7/17, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Sofie is always making great choices and doing her best in all subjects. Awesome job, Sofie! :-)
  • Lily Elovson, 12/7/17, Owning learning. New Family/Kindergarten Information Night.
  • Sam Friedland, 12/12/17, Owning learning. Sam bravely volunteered to speak in front of the parents at the winter music concert! (-:
  • Mariam Garnica, 12/7/17, Owning learning. New Family/Kindergarten Information Night.
  • Emma Guillory, 12/11/17, Solving problems, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. You are kind, patient and helpful. Thank you for helping your classmates without being asked.
  • Thea Halkola, 12/7/17, Owning learning. New Family/Kindergarten Information Night.
  • Emmett Heath, 12/12/17, Respecting self and others. Helped settle a disagreement.
  • Jagger Heath, 12/7/17, Owning learning. New Family/Kindergarten Information Night.
  • LuLu Hanna, 12/12/17, Owning learning, Always making good choices. LuLu takes ownership of her learning in all classes, especially Reading Workshop where she uses her notebook to record her thinking.
  • Paavo Lahdesmaki, 12/12/17, Always making good choices. Paavo consistently makes good choices and is always ready to learn! -Mr. Stuart
  • Ziana Merchant, 12/7/17, Owning learning. New Family/Kindergarten Information Night.
  • Zack Meyer, 12/7/17, Owning learning. New Family/Kindergarten Information Night.
  • Lesley Munoz, 12/12/17, Owning learning. Lesley always has enthusiasm for learning and a smile on her face! (-:
  • Riley Nguyen, 12/12/17, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Riley is always enthusiastic about learniing! He is an excellent role model for his peers! (-:
  • Si-woo Park, 12/12/17, Always making good choices. Si-woo takes responsibility for his actions and is respectful in class.
  • Chloe Pasket, 12/8/17, Owning learning. You asked to have your desk moved to a different spot because you had a challenging time focusing at your previous spot.
  • Chaitrashree Raja, 12/7/17, Owning learning. New Family/Kindergarten Information Night.
  • Granine Read, 12/12/17, Always making good choices. Granine consistently meets or exceeds school expectations and is always respectful of her teachers and peers. She has been a wonderful addition to our school. -Mr. Stuart
  • Trisha Shetty, 12/7/17, Owning learning. New Family/Kindergarten Information Night.
  • Hayden Tank, 12/7/17, Owning learning. New Family/Kindergarten Information Night.
  • Mark Tanner, 12/12/17, Owning learning. Removing self from a situation so that he could stay focused on the lesson! <3 Miss Pasket
  • Liv Weiner, 12/12/17, Always making good choices. For your enthusiasm during morning  meeting. (-: Mrs. Burke
  • Liv Weiner, 12/7/17, Owning learning. New Family/Kindergarten Information Night.
  • Sandy Xu, 12/7//17, Owning learning. New Family/Kindergarten Information Night.
  • Sandy Xu, 12/12/17, Solving problems, Owning learning. Supporting a new student transitioning into our classroom, school, and country! <3 Mrs. Better

Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.
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