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January 15, 2018

January 11, 2018


  • Friday, 1/12,
    • Pajama Day
    • Bookwave Deadline
  • Monday, 1/15, Martin Luther King Jr. Day NO SCHOOL (Holiday)
  • Tuesday, 1/16, NO SCHOOL (Professional Development)
  • Thursday, 1/18, 21st Century Parenting: Raising gritty, compassionate, problem-solvers in the digital age (7pm, Multi)
  • Friday, 1/19
    • Bookwave Deadline Extended
    • School Coffee re: Math Problem of the Month & Number Talks (8:30am, Library)
  • Wednesday, 1/24, 5th Grade Makey Makey Night (5:30-6:30, Multi)
  • Thursday, 2/8, School Coffee re: 6th Grade Transition to 7th Grade at Egan (8:30am, Multi)
  • Thursday, 3/1, Family Science Night, (6:30-8pm, Multi)
  • Saturday, 3/3, Spring Gala and Auction (6:30-9pm)
  • Saturday, 4/28, LASD Junior Olympics (8am-4pm, Mountain View High)


LAEF Informational Coffee: January 23rd, 8:45 am, Los Altos School District Office Board Room (Covington Campus)

  • Call for volunteers! The Los Altos Educational Foundation (LAEF) plays a vital role in funding programs that provide our students with a world class, future-oriented, personalized education. From our STEM teacher, librarian, music and PE teachers, to our Art Docent Program, our children benefit from these LAEF sponsored resources.
  • Come to the informational coffee to learn more about LAEF and how volunteering your talents a few hours a month will have a positive impact on your child’s education.
    • Listen to our Superintendent, Jeff Baier, share about the partnership between LASD and LAEF and district leaders highlight the terrific curricula our children are being taught.
    • Consider volunteering for a project or on an ongoing basis, at school with your friends, or at your home. LAEF is looking for help with social media, marketing, videos, events, office support, school site representation, and identifying board members from each school.
  • As an LAEF volunteer, you can provide the vital connection to your school community to ensure ongoing financial support, and help LASD strengthen so many of the exceptional programs which make our schools unique.
  • RSVP at and bring your friends! Thank you for your support.


...from Mrs. Benadom

Monday, January 15th, is Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

I did a bit of information gathering to better understand the significance of this day.  The data at the end of this message only comprises two industries; government & entertainment.  There are many more relevant accomplishments outside of these fields that would take pages and pages to include.

Nevertheless, my greatest take away was that while America has come a long way in the last two hundred years, we still have MUCH further to go.

Each year that I have been principal at Almond Elementary there has been an opportunity to engage around the topic of race or ethnicity.  As a result of these experiences, I continue to recognize that many people face difficulties day in and day out as a result of their race and ethnicity.

Through reflection, I have committed to the following practices:  listen with compassion, address challenges around race and ethnicity when they arise, frequently check in with personal biases, engage in uncomfortable dialogue around this issue with the goal of seeking understanding through connection, teach children to value cultural differences, and treasure the richness that every single child brings with them to school each and every day.

Feel free to share some of these significant dates* in history with your children as you enjoy your 3 day weekend in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.:

  • 1789:  First U.S. president, George Washington, began his presidency.
  • 1863 (+74 yrs.):  The Emancipation Proclamation issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1.  It changed the federal legal status of more than 3 million enslaved people in the designated areas of the South from slave to free.
  • 1870 (+7 yrs.): Non-white men and freed male slaves are guaranteed the right to vote by the 15th Amendment to the United States Constitution. However, for many years, some states were very successful at suppressing this vote..
  • 1887 (+3 yrs.): Citizenship is granted to Native Americans who are willing to disassociate themselves from their tribe by the Dawes Act, making the men technically eligible to vote.
  • 1920 (+33 yrs): Women are guaranteed the right to vote by the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution. In practice, the same restrictions that hindered the ability of non-white men to vote now also applied to non-white women.
  • 1924 (+4 yrs.): All Native Americans are granted citizenship and the right to vote, regardless of tribal affiliation. By this point, approximately two thirds of Native Americans were already citizens.
  • 1929 (+5 yrs.):  Martin Luther King Jr. born on January 15 in Atlanta, GA.
  • 1943 (+14 yrs.): Chinese immigrants given the right to citizenship and the right to vote by the Magnuson Act.
  • 1952 (+5 yrs.):  1st honorary Golden Globe Cecil B. DeMille Award presented on February 21 to celebrate "outstanding contributions to the world of entertainment".
  • 1954 (+2 yrs.) Brown vs. the Board of Education, segregation of public school systems ruled unconstitutional.
  • 1955 (+1 yr):  Rosa Parks, a black seamstress, arrested when she refused to vacate her seat in the white section of a city bus on December 1.
  • 1963 (+8 yrs.):  Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered “I Have a Dream” speech to a massive group of civil rights marchers gathered around the Lincoln memorial in Washington DC onAugust 28.
  • 1964 (+ 1yr.) The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson just a few hours after House approval on July 2.
  • 1964: Martin Luther King, Jr. was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his dynamic leadership of the Civil Rights movement and steadfast commitment to achieving racial justice through nonviolent action.
  • 1965 (+1 yr): Protection of voter registration and voting for racial minorities, later applied to language minorities, is established by the Voting Rights Act of 1965. This has also been applied to correcting discriminatory election systems and districting.
  • 1968 (+3 yrs.):  Dr. King assassinated on April 4 by a sniper's bullet while standing on the second-floor balcony of his room at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee.
  • 1982 (+14 yrs.): Sidney Poitier, 1st black honorary Golden Globe Cecil B. DeMille Award winner, 30 years after the first award was bestowed.
  • 1987 (+ 5yrs.): Anthony Quinn, 1st Mexican honorary Golden Globe Cecil B. DeMille Award winner.
  • 2009 (+22 yrs.):  Barack Obama became the first black president, 220 years after the first president of the United States.
  • 2012 (+ 3yrs.): Morgan Freeman, recipient of honorary Golden Globe Cecil B. DeMille Award winner, who also happens to be African American.
  • 2016 (+4 yrs.): Denzel Washington, recipient of honorary Golden Globe Cecil B. DeMille Award winner, who also happens to be African American.
  • 2018 (+2 yrs.): Oprah Winfrey, 1st female black honorary Golden Globe Cecil B. DeMille Award winner on January 8.

*Facts above from Wikipedia.



  • Friday, 1/12 is Pajama Day.  We can't wait to see everyone in their PJs!


  • It turned out that the order forms for bookwave were not included in the envelopes, so please see THIS link, download, print & fill out the order form and attach a check in the envelope with the amount you need to pay for additional orders.
  • There will be copies of order form at the office to pick up as well.
  • We’ve extended the deadline to collect bookwave booklets to next Friday 1/19/18 due to the inconvenience this may cause.
  • However, we are already collecting bookwave at the front office. Please make sure to turn it in any time between now and 1/19/18.
  • Great job to everyone who went through the process as authors & illustrators! Thanks in advance for turning the packets in on-time! If you have any questions, please contact Lily

Makey Makey night allows 5th grade students to showcase the work that they did researching a Native American Tribe. The students have created a game board that include summaries on five different topics. Students created a game on Scratch using their computer programing skills that utilizes Makey Makey to play the game.  

...will be Saturday, April 28, 2018 from 8am - 4 pm at Mountain View High School.  Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Graders will start training during their regular PE classes the end of February. For more information, please check out or contact your Almond JO Chairs:  Suzanne Jensen (, Kirsten Sirey ( and Vicky Lee (  Go Almond!


  • Kinder will read Accept and Value Each Person, which teaches children about living in a diverse world. It talks about accepting and valuing people different from oneself and one's family.
  • 1st-5th Grades will read When Sophie Gets Angry -- Really, Really Angry. This lesson focuses on how to handle strong emotions like anger and teaches that while we can't stop getting angry, we can control our response. We will discuss calming strategies and the important difference between reacting without thinking and stopping to reconsider before responding.
  • 6th Grade will continue reading Real Friends vs. the Other Kind. This chapter talks about pressure and how sticking to your values can help you stand up for yourself.

Please contact co-leads Mona ElNaggar ( or Jen Walker ( with any questions.

We are less than two months away from the Almond Spring Gala and continue to need your help! In order for the gala to be a success, we rely on donations for both the silent and live auctions.  Consider donating a week or weekend at your vacation home, sporting events tickets, free classes to an activity, theatre tickets, spa packages, wine/vineyard tours, a tour to a Bay Area tech company, camp sessions, Almond parent parties, Almond student/class parties, etc. Please contact Nina Krammer ( or Gabby Gomez ( if you have any donation ideas or questions.  Submitting your donation online is simple and easy! Visit

Students currently in 6th grade must have proof of a Tdap or Dtap (Pertussis or Whooping Cough) booster given after their 7th birthday (after 10th birthday is recommended) in order to begin 7th grade in August of 2018. Please provide a copy of your child’s immunization record to your school office as soon as possible!


  • It's hard to believe but another year is upon us!  With it comes a brand new after school program for your creative kids.  3DKids will be offering our popular Fashion Accessory Design program with a new seasonal twist--adding in some fun fleece hats, mittens and other cozy accessories along with some new jewelry making and other fashion projects.
  • Class will meet on Tuesdays, 1/9/17-3/20 (no class 1/16/ 2/20) 3pm-4:30, with supervision provided for 2nd graders from 2:40.
  • Register online at and pay at
  • Wishing you and your family happiness, fulfillment and creativity for the New Year!
  • Kathy Bonte, 3DKids Academy, Dream it. Design it. Do it., 346-5896


  • LASD & LAEF are excited to kick off the 2nd STEM Career Day Events at Egan and Blach Jr. High Schools this spring. STEM pervades every part of our life and STEM education creates critical thinkers, increases science literacy, and enables the next generation of innovators. We believe that exposing our students to different aspects and careers in the STEM fields inspire and spark a passion for learning.
  • We are looking for parents, grandparents or anyone in our community who would like to share their knowledge. If you are interested in presenting at Egan on March 19 and/or Blach on March 20, please contact Karen Wilson, STEM Coordinator at or Anjana Nagarajan-Butaney, LAEF Board member at


  • Sometimes it is difficult, especially early in the morning, to know whether or not to send your child to school.  The following guidelines are indications that you should keep him/her home.  In this way, you are helping to control the spread of colds, flu, and other contagious illnesses.  
  • Keep your child at home when he/she has any of the following symptoms:  Fever of 99.6 or higher, Chills, Vomiting or Diarrhea, Nausea, Sore throat or trouble swallowing, Coughing, sneezing, and/or runny nose, Rash or unusual sores or spots, Headache, Generalized muscle aches and pains, Wheezing or trouble breathing, Unusually red, crusted or burning eyes, Head Lice.
  • You need to keep your child home until he/she has been symptom free without medication for 24 hours.
  • Also, NOTIFY THE OFFICE IMMEDIATELY if your child is exposed to or contracts chicken pox, mumps or measles or whooping cough (pertussis).  These conditions can be life threatening to students who are undergoing therapies that suppress their immune systems.
  • This information is only a guide to common childhood health concerns. Call our District Nurses (650-444-9702 or 650-537-8119) or personal health care provider for more information. Always bring a copy of a physician’s note to school and/or notify the school if your child will have an extended absence due to a health condition for 10 days or longer.


The Almond Drama Program is excited to announce that enrollment is open for our Spring production of “Mulan Jr."

  • Students in Grades 2-6 are encouraged to sign up for this wonderful experience as enrollment is limited to the first 90 students.
  • Story: The Huns have invaded, and it is up to the misfit Mulan and her mischievous dragon sidekick, Mushu, to save the Emperor! Defying the village matchmaker, Mulan takes up arms and disguises herself as a boy in order to spare her father from having to serve in the army. As the great battle with the Huns approaches, Mulan must choose between revealing her true identity or saving all of China with her clever plan.
  • Start Date: Thursday, January 18, 2018
  • Grades: 2-6
  • Rehearsal Days/Times: Monday 3:00pm - 4:45pm and Thursday 1:45pm - 4:00pm
  • Additional/extended rehearsals May 7-10
  • Performances:  May 10-12, 2018
  • Enrollment DUE date: January 17, 2018
    • To participate:
      • 1. Complete this registration form (one per child).
      • 2. For each child participating, write a $150 check made out to "Almond PTA"  with your child's name in the memo.
      • 3. Drop the check off in the box labeled "Almond Drama Program" in the school office.

If you have any questions please email Luisa Smith at or Lori Sevcik at


  • DESCRIPTION:  In this one-hour parent information session, literacy experts from LASD will share how students are developing and practicing skills and dispositions to become lifelong readers of relevant and complex texts. Learn how students engage in the Reading Workshop and how the structure and curriculum support rigorous learning for all students.
  • DATE AND TIME:  Friday, January 19, 2018, 9:30am - 10:30am
  • LOCATION:  Los Altos School District Offices, iLearn Studio, 201 Covington Road, Los Altos, CA 94024

Beth Leach (Almond’s STEM IST) will host a coffee regarding current research and math instruction.  While automaticity is still a necessary skill for students to master, and algorithms are essential in efficiently solving math problems, there is abundant research that visualizing and conceptual understanding lead to deeper and more sustained math proficiency.  You will hear about this research and how LASD and Almond support learners in growing their math brains.  This talk will be at 8:30am, in the library, on FRIDAY, 1/19.


  • Almond Elementary and Project Cornerstone is sponsoring a parent education event on Thursday, January 18th at 7:00 pm in the Almond multi.  Annie Fox, M.Ed., an award-winning author and educator in the realm of character education and SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) will be presenting on: 21st Century Parenting: Raising gritty, compassionate, problem-solvers in the digital age.
  • This highly interactive discussion focuses on the unique challenges of 21st century parenting as well as the unique challenges of growing up in the 21stcentury. We’ll talk about what’s needed to help our kids develop into fully functioning, resilient young adults with the confidence, compassion and creativity necessary to solve all kinds of problems, throughout their school years and beyond.
  • This is a unique opportunity for parents of K – 8th graders to:
    • Tune in to your child’s psychological/ emotional needs
    • Appreciate the social pressure to “fit in” (online and off) and how that affects the choices your child makes in-and-out of school
    • Understand how your child's “still-under-construction” brain can make it hard for him or her to make safe, ethical choices
    • Explore the role stress and distractions play in preventing parents from doing their most effective job
  • For more information contact Jen Walker at  Annie Fox is the host of the popular podcast Family Confidential: Secrets of Successful Parenting. Annie’s books include: The Girls’ Q&A Book on FriendshipTeaching Kids to Be Good People and the ground-breaking Middle School Confidential™ book and app series. Learn more


  • Make memories that will last a lifetime during this special semi-formal event for Fathers and Daughters of all ages. Enjoy dancing, photos, decadent desserts, handcrafting mementos and a very special dance with your daughters.
  • Please note- there will be light snacks, desserts and lemonade. Dinner is not served.
  • There are still tickets available. $45/attendee- please RSVP to Meredith Hiltgen at Write the check to the Almond PTA and place in PTA box in office.  

Keith Rocha, Egan Principal, will host a coffee for any parent interested in learning more about Egan Junior High.  While this event is typically attended by 6th grade parents, it is open to parents of children at any level.  Due to the prior arrangement of this date, it must still take place on its designated Thursday.  However, instead of beginning after the assembly, it will start at 8:30am in the multi.  



  • Learning Challenges Resource Fair
    • Tues. January 23, 2018 6-8 pm, Crittenden Middle School MUR, 1701 Rock St Mountain View
    • Heads up for the 4th Learning Challenges Resource Fair coming up in 2018. Does your child need tutoring? Do you need to find a summer camp that fits your student’s needs? Are you interested in finding local therapists, advocates, recreational programs and more? Come join us at the SELPA1CAC/Learning Challenges Committee Resource Fair and talk to dozens of local providers about services that can help your child thrive!
  • Parent Chat
    • Tue. Jan. 9, 2018, 7PM-8:30PM, Los Altos Library
    • Are you concerned about the emotional well being of your child? Come to Parent Chat, peer to peer support for parents of teens. Hosted by the Mental Health Subcommittee of SELPA 1 CAC.
  • Let's Talk
    • Mon. Jan 15, 2018, 10AM-12PM, In Front of Whole Foods Market Los Altos
    • A chance to ask questions and share ideas, resources, and support with other parents of students with IEPs, 504s, learning differences, mental health challenges, etc.
    • All are welcome, participants must respect confidentiality.


  • Feria de Recursos para los Retos en el Aprendizaje
    • Salón de Usos Múltiples (MUR) en la Escuela Secundaria Crittenden
    • Martes 23 de enero del 2018, de 6 a 8 pm
    • ¿Necesita su hijo tutoría? ¿Necesita usted encontrar un campamento durante el verano, que se acomode a las necesidades de su estudiante? ¿Está usted interesado en encontrar un terapista local, defensores, programas recreativos y más? Venga y acompáñenos a la Feria de Recursos del Comité para Retos en el Aprendizaje (SELPA1CAC/Learning Challenges Committee Resource Fair), y hable con docenas de proveedores locales, acerca de los servicios que pueden ayudar a su hijo a avanzar!
  • Platica Para Padres
    • Martes, Ene 9 2018, 7-8:30 PM, Biblioteca de Los Altos, 13 S. San Antonio Road
    • Le preocupa el bienestar emocional de su hijo(a)? Apoyo de colega a colega para padres con jóvenes de 14+. Venga a unirse a un grupo de apoyo organizado por el Subcomité de Salud Mental de SELPA 1 CAC
  • Vamos a Platicar
    • Lunes, Ene 15 , 2018, 10AM-12PM, Whole Foods Market, Los Altos
    • Una oportunidad para preguntas y compartir ideas, recursos, y apoyo de otros padres con estudiantes de PEIs, 504s,  diferencias de aprendizaje, retos de salud mental, etc. Todos son bienvenidos, los participantes deben respetar confidencialidad.

(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Aaron Baum, 1/10/18, Owning learning. Aaron has been diligently practicing fluency in reading and has increased by over 45 words per minute since August.
  • Natalie De la Cruz, 1/10/18, Always making good choices. Natalie noticed that someone left their books behind after leaving school and kindly brought them back to my homeroom without being asked.
  • Kate Kostow, 1/4/18, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. You are attentive, focused, and always ready to learn.
  • Anthony Tam, 1/10/18, Owning learning. Anthony has been focused on improving his fluency and improved by 40 words per minute since August!

Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.
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