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February 05, 2018

February 1, 2018


  • Friday, 2/2,
    • Sports Spirit Day
    • Final Final Bookwave Deadline
  • Thursday, 2/8, School Coffee re: 6th Grade Transition to 7th Grade at Egan (8:30am, Multi)
  • Tuesday, 2/13, Strictly Strings Concert (7pm, LAHS Eagle Theatre)
  • Thursday, 3/1, Family Science Night, (6:30-8pm, Multi)
  • Saturday, 3/3, Spring Gala and Auction (6:00-11pm, Computer History Museum)
  • Thursday, 3/8, Bookwave Blast (6:30, Multi)
  • Saturday, 4/28, LASD Junior Olympics (8am-4pm, Mountain View High)


February 1st marks the beginning of Black History Month.  Today’s Google Doodle (which is really fun to say fast five times) depicts an incredible champion of Black History.  Carter G. Woodson, a scholar and author, played a prominent role in bringing awareness and pride to the African-American experience in the 1920s that ultimately inspired this one month celebration.

At this morning’s assembly, I shared a whiteboard on which I will display slides created by our students honoring other African-American champions who have encouraged progress and been brave risk takers.  Here is my sample, and lots of extra slide templates.  Please take some time with your child this month to do some research of your own to learn about a changemaker with African heritage, who influenced civil rights in our country, or in the world, in a positive way.  This person could be someone from long ago, or a current advocate.

Once you’ve identified someone you’d like to pay tribute to, please modify one of the slide templates.  Here are some suggestions as our community comes together to create a digital collection of champions.

  • Explore beyond the famous examples below and contribute information about a champion that might not be as well known.  
  • As you create your own slide, look at the ones already created so that you don’t duplicate.  
  • Modify the slide template that comes next in the stack.
  • If you want to change colors and spice it up, go for it.  Be sure to include the essential elements on the template.
  • Anyone with this link has access to edit this slide deck.  That means you are being given the great privilege and responsibility of caretaking a compilation created by our own community.
  • Please allow your child to be the author of the information blurb.  Allow their voice to come through.
  • Be sure to encourage your child to be a responsible writer by citing his/her sources.
  • Please only create one slide so that all have an equitable opportunity to participate.

We played the Jeopardy Game this morning with some of the most famous of these heroes.  For example, “This champion was an incredible orator and addressed the nation with his ‘I Have a Dream Speech’.”  Who is Martin Luther King Jr.?  “This champion decided she wasn’t going to sit down in the back of the bus.”  Who is Rosa Parks?  “This champion was the first African-American child to desegregate an all white school.”  Who is Ruby Bridges?

Every morning I will look at the new contributions in the slide deck, I will print them, and add them to the mobile whiteboard.

Hmmm...with 28 days in February, I wonder how many whiteboards it’s going to take to display all of these incredible champions.


Keith Rocha, Egan Principal, will host a coffee for any parent interested in learning more about Egan Junior High.  While this event is typically attended by 6th grade parents, it is open to parents of children at any level.  Due to the prior arrangement of this date, it must still take place on its designated Thursday.  However, instead of beginning after the assembly, it will start at 8:30am in the multi.  


  • Do you remember what spirit day it is tomorrow? SPORTS DAY!!!!! Come dressed in your favorite jersey or sports-related apparel.
  • Next week Student Council will host a Valentine card making! The cards will be going to the Community Services Agency, to seniors over 60 years old. We will have a table outside on the blacktop from Feb 5th to 9th, at lunch and recess. Feel free to stop by for 5 minutes to make a card to brighten the day of a local senior.  

LAEF supports teachers and staff for STEM, arts, literacy, wellness and personalized learning.  We need your help to raise an additional $950K to fully fund these programs for the 2017-18 school year. Every TK-8th grade student in LASD is benefitting from LAEF-funded programs, and that’s why we strive for 100% parent participation. Gifts of any amount are appreciated. Learn more & make your tax-deductible donation today at


  • The Bi-Annual Spring Gala and Great Gatsby themed Gala is right around the corner on March 3 at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View! Join your fellow Almond parents at this adult-only event that will include a limited timed Silent Auction starting promptly at 6:00pm, dinner and a lively live auction and then dancing the night away - until 11pm. Themed attire is encouraged and a cash bar will keep the good times rolling.
  • Tickets are limited, so get yours right away on the Almond Website, where you can also pre-register for purchases like grade-level kid parties, sporting event tickets and other awesome auction items.


  • The biannual spring gala is fast approaching and there are a few very important things we need to bring to your attention.
    • Pre-registration allows you to browse the entire silent auction catalog, place bids on selected items – with the option of setting a maximum bid – and you can depend on a text notification when/if you’re outbid.  Simply register here to get started. (Even if you’ve purchased a ticket, you will still need to register in order to bid on auction items.)
    • If you’ve been considering donating a weekend at your family vacation home or hosting a party, now is the time to do so!  Donations should be made by February 15 and can be done online using this link.
    • Due to popular demand, we will be having the “wine wall” at this year’s gala. Please consider donating your favorite bottle of wine or making a monetary donation where the auction committee can purchase a bottle on your behalf.  The suggested donation amount is $25, but any amount is appreciated.  To donate wine, please drop off a bottle at Gabby Gomez’s house: 269 Marich Way.  If you’d like to make a monetary donation, please use PayPal or write a check to Nina Krammer (  Please make your donations (either wine or monetary) by February 15.
  • If you have any questions, comments or concerns please contact Nina Krammer at or Gabby Gomez at
  •  Thank you for your support.  - Almond Gala Auction Committee


6th Grade Orchestra Students from Almond, Covington, Gardner Bullis and Santa Rita will be featured in a performance with Egan and Los Altos High School Orchestras. Come to see the progression of string students from elementary to high school. It is a free concert, everyone is invited!  Tuesday, Feb. 13th, 7:00 PM, Los Altos High School Eagle Theatre.


  • What is Family Science Night?
    • An amazing night of science exploration at Almond School!  25+ stations for children TK-6th grade to interact with everything from robotics to anatomy!
      • Navigate through a laser maze
      • Create amazing lego structures with Kidizens
      • Program a robot
      • Make slime that glows and your own flavored lip balm
      • Observe bats, reptiles, and much more!
    • Family Science Night is not a drop off event, children must be accompanied by adult.
    • Do you enjoy science or helping children explore and experiment? Please volunteer to run a table here (we provide everything you need including instructions.)  We could also use help setting up the morning of the event after drop off.   Questions? Dharti Dhami

This week Gardner Bullis experiences a water main break that necessitated students to be sent home for the day because there was no running water to support basic needs.  The school was able to notify parents of this situation in an efficient way as a result of so many families having subscribed to text messaging school announcement.  Please consider opting in so that in the event of an emergency at Almond, we can notify you of the situation quickly.

  • You can participate in this free service just by sending a text message of “Y” or “Yes” to our school’s short code number, 67587.
  • You can also opt out of these messages at any time by simply replying to one of our messages with “Stop”.
  • SchoolMessenger is compliant with the Student Privacy PledgeTM, so you can rest assured that your information is safe and will never be given or sold to anyone.


  • LASD & LAEF are excited to kick off the 2nd STEM Career Day Events at Egan and Blach Jr. High Schools this spring. STEM pervades every part of our life and STEM education creates critical thinkers, increases science literacy, and enables the next generation of innovators. We believe that exposing our students to different aspects and careers in the STEM fields inspire and spark a passion for learning.
  • We are looking for parents, grandparents or anyone in our community who would like to share their knowledge. If you are interested in presenting at Egan on March 19 and/or Blach on March 20, please contact Karen Wilson, STEM Coordinator at or Anjana Nagarajan-Butaney, LAEF Board member at



  • Almond Girl Scout troops are now selling all your favorite girl scout cookies right after school in the rotunda!!
  • Cookies are $5/box; S'mores and GF ToffeeTastic are $6/box. Cash and checks accepted. We are also accepting donations to send cookies to our Troops.
    • Feb 1st- 5th Grade (61025)
    • Feb 2nd- 6th Grade
  • Thank you for your support! Meredith Hiltgen - Almond Girl Scout School Manager (

When: Monday, Feb 12, 6:30pm Open House, 7:00pm Complete StreetsCommission Meeting
Where:  Grant Park Community Center, Rooms 2 and 3, 1575 Holt Ave., Los Altos
Hosted by: City of Los Altos Public Works Department and Completes Street Commission

  • City staff will provide a brief history of the project.
  • Engineering consultant, CSG Consultants, will provide the concepts for proposed crosswalk and intersection improvements
  • Residents can gather info, voice support for, and concerns about, the proposed improvements
  • Featuring improvements on/at the following streets/intersections:
    • Los Altos/West Portola Ave
    • El Monte Ave
    • Covington Road/Riverside Ave
    • Springer Road/Fremont Ave
    • Grant Ave/Morton Road
    • St. Josephs Ave/Deodara Drive

Do you need help finding summer camps to fit your child's needs? Recreational opportunities that are accepting and inclusive? Therapists, advocates, tutors? Please check out SELPA1CAC's Local Resource Guide! at or We are always interested in updates and additions, let us know how we can make the Guide for useful!

Better Communication with Your Teen, DBT w/Michael Fitzgerald,  SELPA 1 CAC Parent Education Event

  • Wed. Feb. 7, 2018, 7PM-9PM Santa Rita Elementary School
  • Michael Fitzgerald, Executive Director of Behavioral Health Services at El Camino Hospital will discuss the benefits of DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy). Learn why DBT is so effective and how parents can use the concept to have better communication with their teens.  “Sometimes parents are unaware of how their teens are reacting to their verbal and nonverbal cues…at times teens don’t feel validated by their families...teens crave acceptance…parents can learn to avoid phrases that reinforce negative self images...both parents and teens can learn how to communicate more positively.”
  • DBT combines cognitive behavioral techniques for emotion regulation with concepts of mindful awareness, distress tolerance and acceptance.

Parent Chat

  • Tue. Feb. 13, 2018, 7PM-8:30PM, Los Altos Library
  • Are you concerned about the emotional well being of your child? Come to Parent Chat, peer to peer support for parents of teens. Hosted by the Mental Health Subcommittee of SELPA 1 CAC.

Let's Talk

  • Mon. Feb. 12, 2018, 7-9PM,Los Altos Library
  • A chance to ask questions and share ideas, resources, and support with other parents of students with IEPs, 504s, learning differences, mental health challenges, etc.
  • All are welcome, participants must respect confidentiality.

Guía de recursos locales para desafíos de aprendizaje
¿Necesita ayuda para encontrar campamentos de verano que se adapten a las necesidades de su hijo?Oportunidades recreativas que son aceptables e inclusivasTerapeutas, defensores, tutores? ¡Consulte la Guía de recursos locales de SELPA1CAC!en o estamos interesados en las actualizaciones y adiciones, ¡háganos saber cómo podemos hacer que la Guía sea útil!

Mejor Comunicación con Su Adolescente, DBT con Michael Fitzgerald SELPA 1 CAC Evento de Educación para Padres

  • Miércoles, Feb 7 2018, 7-9 PM Santa Rita Escuela, Los Altos, 700 Los Altos Avenue, Los Altos
  • Michael Fitzgerald, Director Ejecutivo de Servicios de Salud en el Comportamiento del Hospital El Camino, hablará acerca de los beneficios de DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy – Terapia Dialéctica Conductual). Aprenda por qué el DBT es tan efectivo, y cómo pueden los padres utilizar el concepto para tener una mejor comunicación con sus adolescentes. “Algunas veces los padres desconocen cómo están reaccionando sus adolescentes a sus señales verbales y no verbales… en ocasiones los adolescentes no se sienten validados por sus familias… los adolescentes buscan la aceptación… los padres pueden aprender a evitar las frases que refuerzan las autoimágenes negativas… ambos padres y adolescentes pueden aprender a cómo comunicarse más positivamente.” DBT combina las técnicas conductuales cognitivas, para controlar las emociones con conceptos de atención plena, la tolerancia a la angustia y la aceptación.

Platica Para Padres

  • Martes, Feb13 2018, 7-8:30 PM, Biblioteca de Los Altos, 13 S. San Antonio Road
  • Le preocupa el bienestar emocional de su hijo(a)? Apoyo de colega a colega para padres con jóvenes de 14+. Venga a unirse a un grupo de apoyo organizado por el Subcomité de Salud Mental de SELPA 1 CAC

Vamos a Platicar

  • Lunes, Feb 12 , 2018, 7-9 PM, Biblioteca de Los Altos, 13 S. San Antonio Road
  • Una oportunidad para preguntas y compartir ideas, recursos, y apoyo de otros padres con estudiantes de PEIs, 504s,  diferencias de aprendizaje, retos de salud mental, etc. Todos son bienvenidos, los participantes deben respetar confidencialidad.

(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Caelus Balucan, 1/26/18, Owning learning. You met the target growth for the end of first grade in iReady Math.
  • Alison Bolanos Diaz, 1/29/18, 1/26/18, Owning learning. Met the target growth for the end of first grade in reading and she grew 3 levels in F&P!
  • Danny Bouchan Lara, 1/26/18, Owning learning. You met the target growth for the end of first grade in iReady Math.!
  • Ayda Chaffee, 1/26/18, Owning learning. You met the target growth for the end of first grade in iReady Math!
  • Parker Chang, 1/26/18, Owning learning. You met the target growth for the end of first grade in iReady Math!
  • Logan Chung, 1/26/18, Owning learning. You met the target growth for the end of first grade in iReady Math.
  • Aiden Cwik, 1/29/18, Owning learning. Met target growth for the end of first grade in reading!
  • Svea Delingat, 1/22/18, Solving problems. Helped organize books without being asked.
  • Ava DePristo, 1/26/18, Owning learning. Ava met the target growth for the end of first grade in iReady Math!
  • Matias Enos, 1/26/18, Owning learning. You met the target growth for the end of first grade in iReady Math AND iReady Reading. You made 94 points growth in iReady Reading!
  • Alex Federov, 1/25/18, Owning learning. Asked teacher for help to make sure he understood a math concept.
  • Ryan Ghasemfar, 1/29/18, Owning learning. Met target growth for the end of first grade in reading!
  • Kyle Hiltgen, 1/29/18, 1/26/18, Owning learning. Met the target growth for the end of first grade in reading and math!
  • Shintaro Ikeda, 1/26/18, Owning learning. You met the target growth for the end of first grade in iReady Reading.
  • Maddy Lee, 1/29/18, Owning learning. Met target growth for the end of first grade in reading!
  • Olivia Lee, 1/25/18, Solving problems. Helped organize books without being asked.
  • Tommy Lee, 1/26/18, Owning learning. You met the target growth for the end of first grade in iReady Math.
  • Ella Liniger, 1/24/18, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Ella always has a positive attitude and demonstrates responsibility inside and outside the classroom. <3 Mrs. Better
  • Sasha Middleton, 1/26/18, Owning learning. You met the target growth for the end of first grade in iReady Reading!
  • Robin Olteanu, 1/26/18, Owning learning. You met the target growth for the end of first grade in iReady Math and iReady Reading.
  • Andy Palant, 1/26/18, Owning learning. You met the target growth for the end of first grade in iReady Math.
  • Akhul Pandrala, 1/26/18, 1/26/18, Owning learning. Akhul met the target growth for the end of first grade in iReady Reading AND Math.
  • Chloe Pasket, 1/26/18, Owning learning. You met the target growth for the end of first grade in iReady Math.
  • Gissel Plantillas, 1/29/18, Owning learning. Met target growth for the end of first grade in reading!
  • Elyse Pollmann, 1/29/18, Owning learning. Met target growth for the end of first grade in reading!
  • Darian Romero, 1/17/18, Owning learning. Completed all classwork on time without reminders this trimester.
  • Leonardo Romero Fernandez, 1/26/18, Owning learning. You met the target growth for the end of first grade in iReady Reading.
  • Avani Sastry, 1/26/18, Owning learning. You met the target growth for the end of first grade in iReady Math!
  • Yuika Sun, 1/24/18, Solving problems, Always making good choices. Always willing to lend a helping hand to keep our classroom clean! (even when the mess to clean up wasn't left by her...) Mrs. Better (-:
  • Blake Thompson, 1/29/18, Owning learning. Going above and beyond on your weekly reflection!
  • Dmitri Titov, 1/25/18, Solving problems. Helped organize books without being asked.
  • Tony Zhai, 1/26/18, Owning learning. You met the target growth for the end of first grade in iReady Reading AND Math.

Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.
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