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April 23, 2018

Elective Fair Inspires Incoming Los Altos School District 7th Graders  

The classroom buzzed with excitement as students moved from station to station exploring aperture and shutter speed by photographing cupcakes in Ms. Clawson’s photography class at Egan Junior High.  Some students worked together to capture the movement of falling sprinkles onto carefully spread white frosting, while others positioned bright lights to photograph the perfect still-life.

At the Blach and Egan Junior High School Elective Fairs this month, incoming 7th graders had the opportunity to explore elective course offerings like Ms. Clawson’s photography class. By touring classrooms and learning about the variety of educational enrichment choices they can make as they enter junior high school, students—and the parents who joined their children—were excited and inspired.  At both schools, students have the opportunity to choose from 25 different elective courses, including music, journalism, art, world languages, robotics, public speaking and more.

I want to take so many electives and it was cool to get to talk with kids who are taking the electives this year and ask my questions,” said one incoming Blach 7th grader.

Blach Chorus and French teacher, Gail Wade, said, “our current students were excellent resources to our incoming students as they went from class to class to explore the electives. It was a first step towards independence for our incoming students.”

Electives not only pique students’ interests, they also provide an interdisciplinary overlap with traditional classes, creating the well-rounded education needed when applying to colleges in the future. One major reason the Los Altos School District offers such a wide variety of electives is due to the Los Altos Education Foundation, funded by parent and community donations.

While the rigors of core academics in math, science and English are the heart of junior high school education, elective classes play an important role in the educational program, preparing students for high school and college. “Being able to choose a class is part of growing up and expressing oneself.  Choice motivates young people to take ownership of their education,” said Principal Bhavna Narula. 

Anne Spector, band, orchestra and guitar teacher at Egan Junior High School said, “Music electives are wonderful opportunities for students to be creative and expressive, to learn to be heard and to listen, and to be part of a team.  Students build individual skills through focus and perseverance, and work together to add beauty to the world.”

Studies show that elective classes help strengthen skills in core subjects by exposing and enhancing the way students learn.  For example, the arts strengthen visual learning skills, whereas music enhances oral learning skills.

Egan Principal, Keith Rocha explained, “Elective classes are extremely important for our students because they help reveal new skills and abilities, including goal setting, evaluating progress, communication, adaptability and creativity, which are essential in any academic pursuit.”

A Blach parent reflected on her experience at the fair, “The electives will give [my daughter] the chance to explore her passions and find new interests. I am impressed with what I saw—passionate teachers, positive students and an overall focus on what is best for children.”

One incoming Egan 7th grader and fair attendee explained why the fair inspired her, stating, “It was cool to see how much passion the students had for what they were doing.”

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