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June 05, 2018

On May 23, students at Blach and Egan Junior High Schools elected their new student councils.  After poring over campaign posters and listening to student speeches, incoming 7th graders and next year’s 8th grade students voted for their new President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary.
Students take their responsibilities seriously.  They carefully craft their speeches to ensure they convey their vision for the school.  Candidates also explain this vision to gather petition signatures from at least 35 students to prove they are qualified to run for their chosen elected office.  
Student Council collaborates and represents student voice with teachers, parents and administrators to understand deeply and shape the operations of the school. For example, the Blach Student Council’s mission is to become a positive, compassionate community that will foster an inclusive environment.  The Council aims to help students learn about their society and develop the fundamental skills necessary for a successful life to be thoroughly prepared for high school and beyond.
Student government fosters communication, planning and organizational skills, in addition to offering students the responsibility to take on and finish their own projects to benefit their peers. It is often their first glimpse into the complexities of policy development, which helps students understand multiple perspectives and the art of compromise.
“Student government serves to empower student voices and encourage contributions to the school community, allowing them to play an active role in shaping their own learning environment.  Egan is most successful when all partners—including our students—have played an active role in the operations of our school,” said Egan Assistant Principal, Coni Cullimore.
“Student Council is about student empowerment as they weigh in on changes that impact their education.  Including students in our school operations and policy is essential to their development as young adults.  All students benefit by either serving in student government or voting to choose their representation,” said Blach Student Council Advisor, Trisha Mackenzie.
Student Council members appoint Commissioners to take on specific areas of focus to foster an inclusive and welcoming school environment.  Commissions include Philanthropy and Goodwill, Inclusion, Student Wellness and Ambassadors to incoming 7th grade students and their families.  
Students are excited to make a difference at Egan and Blach next year.  They feel it’s an honor to be elected to represent their schools.  They look forward to leading and becoming role models for the new 7th grade class.


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