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December 06, 2018

Dear Los Altos School District Families,
As we approach the December Recess, I have a few important updates and announcements for the community.  
Kindergarten and New Family Information Night
We invite new families and parents of incoming Kindergarteners to attend an information night to learn more about our schools and registration.  Families will meet teachers, speak with current parents and tour classrooms to learn how our small schools and student-centered educational model ensures that each and every child achieves to the full potential.  We are excited to share our schools with you as you choose the best educational program for your child.
Date: Thursday, December 6, 2018
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Multi-purpose room at all elementary school locations
If you are enrolling a Kindergartener for the upcoming school year, please find the information you need here.  Current parents, please feel free to share this information with interested new families in your neighborhood.  
Partnership with the City of Mountain View for New School
To protect our small school model that is key to our successful academic programs, LASD is partnering with the City of Mountain View to secure a new school and park in a rapidly growing area of our school district.  We are grateful for the City’s ongoing collaboration.  On December 11, the Council will consider and vote on an essential Joint Use Agreement that will facilitate the District’s purchase of the site.  The agreement would provide up to $23 million towards the purchase and allow community use of recreational facilities and open space at the school site location.  We believe that the City of Mountain View and LASD are committed to the same goal: the site should serve the neighborhood and its children with a park, recreational facilities and school.  Please join us on December 11 at 7:00pm at Mountain View City Hall for this important next step in the process.  Read more about the history of the community-driven process for a new school here.
Computer Science Education Week
This week is Computer Science Education Week, a worldwide event to expose students of all ages to computer science and coding. A major component of the event is The Hour of Code, in which students use their Computer Science skills and creativity to design a unique project.  LASD is one of the first districts in the country to implement ‘Computer Science for All,’ integrating coding skills into other subject areas for a comprehensive and real-world approach.  Computer Science is an essential component of a 21st-Century education, teaching logical thinking, providing opportunities for creative expression and important skills for future careers.  
For more information about LASD’s Computer Science program, please click here.
Check out #lasdk8 #HourofCode for classroom updates from the event.
December Recess
As a reminder, our December Recess begins on Monday, December 24 and school will resume on January 7. We hope you enjoy the break and look forward to wishing you a Happy New Year!


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