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July 17, 2020

Dear Los Altos School District Families,

Today, Governor Newsom announced new guidelines and requirements for California’s schools. These guidelines are in response to the recent increase in COVID-19 cases in many California counties that have been placed on the state’s Monitoring List, including Santa Clara County. 

Fall Reopening:  Online Instruction
Per California’s new public health guidance for K-12 schools, LASD will begin the school year on August 19 in an online learning model. According to the state, school facilities may only open in counties that have been off the state’s Monitoring List for 14 consecutive days. Santa Clara County is currently on the Monitoring List and therefore, LASD must begin the year in a distance learning model.

We are heartbroken for the families struggling with this rapidly spreading illness and for those who rely on our schools for essential services.  With a focus on educational equity, LASD will prioritize in-person learning opportunities for targeted students who require additional academic support whenever it is allowable and safe. These targeted populations include students in special education programs, students participating in the school nutrition program and beginning English learners.   

We’re Prepared to Provide a Well-Rounded Education for All Students
In anticipation of changing public health conditions, LASD developed a flexible Instructional Plan for the 2020-21 school year, which includes three modes of educational delivery to ensure academic consistency for all of our students. As I’ve mentioned before, we are prepared to operate in any scenario due to thoughtful planning, adherence to scientific research and public health guidance, as well as the collaboration from parents, teachers and our community. 

Fall Re-Enrollment Survey
Although we will begin the school year with all instruction online, we are continuing to prepare to bring students and staff back to our neighborhood schools as soon as we are able.  For that reason, we will run two instructional programs simultaneously so all students have the educational continuity of the same, highly-qualified teachers regardless of the instructional model: one program for families who wish to continue in a 100% virtual model once orders are lifted and another for those who wish to return their children to campus.  LASD families will receive a confirmation email with their child(ren)’s enrollment and more information about the program.  If you have not yet completed the Fall Re-Enrollment survey for your child(ren), please look for a reminder email later today

The only constant during this global pandemic is change.  As public health data continues to evolve regarding the COVID-19 crisis, we will heed the guidance of our public health officials and balance the need for in-person instruction with a safe learning experience for our students, and a healthy working environment for all our staff. 

Thank you for entrusting us with the monumental task of redesigning education for all LASD students as we continue to navigate this public health crisis. This is without a doubt the most difficult challenge we’ve ever undertaken, but I am confident LASD will continue to be a model of academic excellence.

Warm Regards, 

Jeffrey Baier
Los Altos School District

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