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September 18, 2013

Here is the draft agreement LASD presented to BCS at the joint meeting on Monday.  It is important to note that this document is the beginning of a process of capturing a possible agreement between the parties.  It does not reflect agreed terms, and in fact hasn't been vetted by either board.  It simply represents a starting point.  Mayor Waldeck invited both parties to draft a document, so that is what we have done.  We have our next meeting Wednesday, September 18, at 7pm in the Los Altos Hills town hall again.  We look forward to continuing this discussion with BCS and developing a set of mutually agreeable points to include, and evolving that into the working language in a final document.

This document also contains my personal "talking points" - thoughts I prepared in advance of the meeting.  I've included them so that folks who may read this document without the context of the broader discussion will also have visibility into the District's thinking.  None of this replaces formal Board action, but it is a way for folks to understand what is driving the positions we've laid out.


- Doug Smith

President, LASD Board of Trustees

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