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February 17, 2017

Board Passes Resolution to Support ALL Students in LASD

Visiting various schools in LASD each week, I am consistently impressed by the work of our students.  We have a broad range of students in our schools: a broad range of interests, a broad range of talents, and a broad range of abilities in many areas…but there is more.  I also take great pride in the fact we have a broad range of races, cultures and religions represented in our students and in our families.  This diversity is our strength as a school district and as a community.  It is a powerful attribute that enriches our students’ learning each and every day.

Recent events in national politics have caused a greater level of anxiety, with increased consternation about how policy changes – both rumored and real – may impact our district families.  I write this to assure you that the values and practices in LASD are unchanged.  The schools in our district are safe places for our students and families.  Every student is welcome on our campuses.  The Los Altos School District enrolls all eligible students regardless of citizenship or immigration status and works to provide each the highest quality education.  It is our passion.  Additionally, we respect the personal privacy of each family we serve.  We do not release confidential or personally identifiable information about our students or their families to any third party, a policy supported by state and federal law.

California State Superintendent Tom Torlakson has stated the California Department of Education will continue to abide by laws that protect student rights and records.  He recently said, “Our schools are not and will not become an arm of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).  Instead, they will remain safe places for learning and teaching for all students, regardless of immigration status.

Los Altos School District shares this commitment.  On February 13, our board of trustees voted unanimously to support this core belief with a resolution reaffirming Los Altos School District’s commitment to ALL students’ rights to a public education. This action is meant not only to reassure all district families that we will continue to protect their privacy, but to allow us to maintain the kind of emotionally safe environment we need in order to fulfill our mission as educators. We pledge not only to protect personal information but to do our absolute best to ensure that all children and families in our district are treated with respect, dignity and given every opportunity to succeed.

Please feel free to visit with your child’s teacher, your principal, a board member, or me if we can answer any questions or help in any way.

- Superintendent Jeffrey Baier

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