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Google Maps1120 Covington Road , Los Altos, CA 94024
Phone: 650-934-3800   Fax: 650-968-3918

What to Do in Case of an Emergency or Earthquake


  • Do NOT telephone the school. Phone lines must be clear for emergency communication.
  • Do turn on your radio station to 1590 AM or 87.9 FM which are emergency broadcast stations.
  • Do NOT park in the school parking lot. Parking lots and drive ways must be left open for emergency vehicles. Do park away from the exits and walk to the school.
  • Do NOT attempt to withdraw your child from school until you have checked out at the parent communication area (near the flag pole).
  • Keep your emergency contacts up to date with school staff. Advise your emergency contacts that they will be eligible to sign out your child.
  • Do not panic. Prepare your child a head of time. Let your child know they will not necessarily be allowed to leave with a friend if their friend’s parent is not an emergency contact.
  • Instruct your child to follow directions of staff and never leave the school alone.
  • To help reduce the stress and anxiety you will inevitable feel in an emergency please be prepared. Each family is encouraged to do some planning, have emergency supplies available, to hold family emergency drills, and decide where family members should meet if they were separated.
  • Go to or for more ideas.

Student Release Procedure

  • There will be a student release center and parent communication center near the flag pole at the front of the school. Several release areas may be set up to speed the process, while ensuring procedures are consistent.
  • It will be critical that the parents or emergency contacts do not come onto the field or blacktop area to the children. The school must maintain a safe secure environment.
  • Parent or emergency contact should go to the student release area and present photo identification.
  • Once ID is verified, the staff member will radio the command center. The commend center will notify the field where students will held. The student will be released to the check out area.
  • Parent or emergency contact will sign out the student.
  • Students will not be released to an individual unless they are listed on the emergency information sheet. The information comes from the Infosnap update completed online in August. Contact the office to make updates.

Following an Emergency or Earthquake

  • There will be an analysis of the situation and implementation of any necessary safety procedures. If conditions permit school will continue as normal.
  • If an earthquake hits while students are on their way to school, they should continue on to school.
  • If students are on their way home, they are to go home in as safe as manner as possible.

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