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The Spring Auction, Dinner, and Dance is for parents in the community. It is one of the biggest fundraisers of the year, and is a spectacular event that requires the help of many volunteers. The Auction is held every other year at Almond.
ABC Project Cornerstone
By volunteering just 2 to 3 hours per month, our Asset Building Champions build relationships with young people by reading selected books and leading classroom activities related to the story with another adult partner. The ABC program goals are to increase the number of developmental assets in all children and adults, increase the number of caring adults that students interact with at school, and create a common language and vocabulary about respect for the school community. Volunteers are trained each month by Project Cornerstone’s program leads at Almond school on the first Friday of the month from 8:30-9:30 am, September through May. Training sessions will utilize a curriculum guide to lead discussions and leaders will provide suggestions, demonstrations and handouts. For more information, visit the Project Cornerstone page.
Birthday Book Club
Celebrate your child's birthday and help build the Almond School Library collection. Features of the Birthday Book Club include: Presentation of a book in your child's honor, a personalized bookplate acknowledging the permanent collection to the library, a personalized display on the bulletin board and a certificate of appreciation. Click here for a book donation form.
Book Fairs
The PTA sponsors two Book Fairs each year. The Scholastic Book Fair will be held in Fall. A second Book Fair will be held in the Spring.
Junior Olympics
The Junior Olympics is a district-wide track and field event for all 4th - 6th graders. Volunteers are needed to help train Almond athletes or work a shift during the event.
Science Family Night
The Science Family Night is a live demonstration of many fun, hands-on, science experiments and demonstrations for children in Grades K-6.
The STEM Expo is open to Grades K-6 to submit projects. It is scheduled during the Spring.
Spirit Days
Almond holds a number of Spirit Days throughout the year. The themes for the days are selected by the student council. In the past we have held pajama day, Disney day, crazy hair day, Hawaiian Day, etc. These will be announced in the Thursday Word and will be put onto the Almond Calendar as the events are set.
Staff Appreciation
The Staff Appreciation Committee honors Almond’s teachers and staff by treating the them to monthly appreciation activities and hosting a Spring luncheon for all teachers and staff.
Walk To School Day
Almond School participates in the National "Walk to School Day" each October. Students meet at the front or back of the school in designated locations and walk together to Almond.
Walkathon & Walkathon Silent Auction
The Walkathon is the biggest and best of Almond's traditions. It is a fun, annual event with tremendous participation from students, staff, and Almond families. Students walk laps to earn prizes with music, food, an auction, and other activities available. Most students purchase and wear T-shirts made specifically for the event. Prior to the event, students gather sponsors who pledge donations for their efforts. This is a great opportunity for students to raise funds and improve their school. As the October date gets closer, look in the Thursday Word for more details.
6th Grade Events
Sixth graders hold various fundraisers to pay for both a gift for the school and a 6th grade graduation party.
3/24/25 7:07 AM