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Google Maps550 Almond Avenue , Los Altos, CA 94022
Phone: 650-917-5400   Fax: 650-948-7338
August 30, 2018

Dear Almond Families,

During the past week every student at Almond listened to the story, The Dot, and reflected on what it means to trust in yourself and not be afraid to “Make your Mark” on the world. With that idea in mind, each student then cut and decorated a feather, some adding fun symbols and etchings and others writing positive messages on their feathers. The culminating display is breathtaking: Almond Eagle Wings Project

I hope you have had the opportunity to take a picture of your child standing with the wings stretched out behind them. It’s hard not to want to insert yourself in that fun, small space in between. If you haven’t found the time yet, please note that we will be taking the wings down before our long weekend so that we may find a more permanent place to exhibit our school-wide project. (If you have any creative ideas, please email me at to share. The project spans about 18 feet across).

If you would like to find out more about The Dot and the international movement behind the message, you can click here: International Dot Day

A huge thank you to Jill Croft, our Literacy IST, for leading that project!

Here’s to believing in yourself and making your mark,




  • Tomorrow, Aug. 31: Minimum Day: 12:15 pm dismissal
  • Sept. 3: Labor Day/No School
  • Sept. 12: PTA Board Meeting, 8:35, Conference Room
  • Sept. 12: Family Literacy Night, 6-7:30, Library
  • Sept. 21: Staff Development Day/No School For Students
  • Sept. 24: Photo Re-takes, 8:30-10:00

Sept. 26: PTA General Meeting, 8:30, Multi


  • Pull your car close to one ahead of you before letting students out. This leaves more room for other cars to enter drive through.
  • Please have students exit on the passenger side only.
  • No drop off/pick up at the 2nd lane!
  • Drivers MUST stay in car at all times.
  • Please use the crosswalk, and be aware of traffic. Walking while using your cell phone can be dangerous!
  • Bikes and scooters must be walked as soon as they are on campus.

DISTRICT INFOSNAP – Online Registration

Please look for an email from with instructions about completing the InfoSnap Online Registration.  It is recommended that you add to your contacts to prevent the email from going into spam folders.

LASD InfoSnap registration is not the same thing as the PTA Back to School System.  You must complete BOTH.



Complete your family’s registration in the back to school system any time between August 18th and September 14th.  Log in via THIS link.



Transitional Kinder, M/T/W/F = 8:45am – 2:45pm*, Th = 8:45am - 1:30pm*

Kindergarten, M/T/W/F = 8:30am – 2:30pm*, Th = 8:30am - 1:15pm*

Grades 1 & 2, M/T/W/F = 8:30am – 2:40pm, Th = 8:30am - 1:25pm

Grades 3 thru 6, M/T/W/F = 8:30am – 3:00pm, Th = 8:30am - 1:45pm

*From 8/22 – 9/17 TK and Kinder will dismiss at 12pm to allow students a transition period to extended day as well as an opportunity for teachers to assess students and collaborate with team members to ensure your child’s success.

Here is a link to a file you can download and print.


Hot Lunch – Our vendor is Pasta Market.  All entrees are in compliance with California SB12 and the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) regulations, regarding portion sizes, calories, fat content, and sugar content for elementary schools.  Registration and ordering will open on August 8th at this link []. The school password is “AES181”. Ordering is now open.

PTA Back To School system now available

Please register for the Almond Back To School System.  During this process you can provide family contact information, signup for volunteer opportunities, and complete PTA and LAEF donations. Every little bit counts! This is a great way to stay connected with the Almond community and support all of the wonderful programs your children enjoy.

Please complete your family’s registration any time between now and September 14th. This is a different registration system than the infosnap process that registers your child for school.

Log in via this link.


LAEF welcomes you to the 2018-19 School Year!

We are proud to support the Los Altos School District (LASD) to provide a well-rounded education for your student. This school year, LAEF is funding teachers and staff for STEM, Wellness, Literacy, and Arts at your school. 

Check out our video “LAEF Supports your School” (2 min.).  Enjoy photos of LASD students participating in LAEF funded programs. Learn about the benefits of LAEF and see how your support for LAEF can bring school to life for your child, whether it be through PE, computer science, music, or an art docent lesson. 

Parents are encouraged to donate $1,200 per student for this school year. We welcome donations of any amount. Our goal is $3.5 million and 100% participation. Visit to learn more about LAEF and Donate or Pledge Today!

Become a LIVING CLASSROOM docent... share your love of nature with kids!

Do you like connecting kids with nature and teaching them where our food comes from?  Want to make a difference for our planet and promote environmental stewardship? If so, please consider becoming a Living Classroom docent!  Living Classroom is looking for docents to help deliver hands-on garden-based lessons to the students of the Los Altos School District. No experience necessary as we provide all the training needed!  Our Docent Training will take place at the Los Altos School District iLearn Studio on Monday mornings from 9-Noon starting September 10th (apprentice-style training also available for those who cannot attend Monday morning trainings). Click HERE to view our docent training flyer.  Questions? Email us or call (650) 947-1103.  For more information about Living Classroom, please visit our website at

Post an Announcement in the Thursday Word? If you have an announcement to include in the Thursday Word, please send it to  Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website. Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Thursday Word scheduled for the following Thursday.


Have you thought about being a Substitute teacher?  

Substitute Teacher Training September 27th 9am-12:00

No Cost $$

The Silicon Valley economy is doing well and unemployment is quite low.  For LASD, this means fewer people interested in substitute teaching.  We are looking for parents who would be interested in helping our schools by becoming a substitute teacher.  We realize this may initially sound a bit unnerving, but it is actually a wonderful way to learn more about the learning of our students. You can choose your schedule, working as often or as little as you would like as well as at the schools of your choosing.  We conducted this training in 2017 and had terrific feedback and results with our new substitutes.  We could really use your help, so please consider the opportunity.

If you would consider joining our substitute teaching pool, we are offering a free mini-training hosted by our Human Resource & Curriculum Departments. Mark your calendars for Thursday,September 27th from 9am-12:00pm.  For more information click the link here and/ or contact Erin Green, Director of Student and Staff Services egreen@lasdschools.

Substitute Boot Camp 2018!



Announcing the 2018-2019 MVLA Parent Education Speaker Series

The MVLA Parent Education Speaker Series is excited to announce our speaker line-up for the 2018-2019 school year.  Six nationally and internationally recognized experts will join us to discuss a wide range of topics including – navigating today’s college search process and financial aid options; exploring the crucial impact of sleep on the wellness and success of children and teens; raising resilient kids in a stressful world; fostering increased well-being; engaging the power of self-compassion; and optimizingthe college experience to prepare young adults for the jobs of tomorrow.  

Finding the Right Fit College at the Right Price, Lynn O’Shaughnessy

September 11, 2018 – 7pm – MVHS Spartan Theatre.  Register at Eventbrite


Sleep: Crucial Key to Wellness and Success, Rafael Pelayo, M.D.

October 23, 2018 – 7pm – LAHS Eagle Theater


Raising Resilient Kids in a Stressful World, Katie Hurley, L.C.S.W.

November 29, 2018 – 7pm – LAHS Eagle Theater


The Myths of Happiness:  The Science and Practice of Increasing Well-being, Sonja Lyubomirsky, Ph.D.

January 29, 2019 – 7pm – MVHS Spartan Theatre


Self-compassion: The Surprising Power of Being Kind to Yourself, Kristin Neff, Ph.D.

March 7, 2019 – 7 pm – LAHS Eagle Theater


There is Life After College: Navigating School to Prepare for the Jobs of Tomorrow, Jeff Selingo

April 9, 2019 – 7pm – MVHS Spartan Theatre

Please visit the MVLA Parent Education Speaker Series []website for more detailed information and registration for each event.  MVLA Parent Education Speaker Series events are free, thanks to the generosity of our sponsors – the PTA, LAEF, and MVLA High School Foundation.

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