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August 09, 2013
August 7, 2013
Dear Almond Students and Parents,
I hope you’ve had abundant opportunities to relax, reconnect and reinvigorate this summer.
Classes resume Wednesday, August 21st!
I chose the word resume because it represents the continuation of a journey.  Almond Elementary has a legacy of providing its children with innovative tools and programs to revolutionize learning.  The 2013-14 school year will not only maintain this aim but will bring it to new heights. 
  • We welcome five new teachers to our already impressive staff:  Ms. Reeves (1st), Ms. Conlon (2nd), Ms. Abraham (6th), Ms. Aubrey (6th) and Mr. Stuart (6th).  Each of these bright educators will certainly infuse valuable practices into our collaborative community. 
  • Mrs. Leach will lead our STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) initiative that will emphasize igniting a passion for learning in these vital content areas. 
  • Mr. Chan and Mrs. Dowling will join last year’s iLearn team (Mrs. Powell, Ms. Schubert and Mrs. Reilly) to support Almond with the expertise they gained at the iLearn Summer Academy.  The essential question that guided their work was, “How do we become innovative designers of student learning and creative teacher leaders on our campus?"  I cannot wait to experience the outcomes that generate from such a provocative question.  ‬
As I reflect on the remarkable work that is already underway at Almond Elementary, I am incredibly humbled to join this phenomenal community of students, parents and educators.  There is great strength in the partnership between each of these entities and the commitment to focusing on what is best for children.  The 2013-14 school year will certainly be exceptional as we all unite to provide an engaging, meaningful education to our Almond children.
I look forward to learning a tremendous amount from each and every one of you as we build relationships together.
Below is critical information to keep in mind as the school year approaches.
Complete your family’s registration in the back to school system any time between August 7th and September 5th.  Log on through the Almond website,  The password for the back to school system was provided in the e-mail that was sent out to all families and may be obtained by calling the office if necessary.
If you do not have Internet access or require help with your registration, computer assistance will be available in the school library every morning between 8:15am and 9:30am from August 22nd – 23rd
Hot Lunch ordering is now open at Pasta Market [].  Click on Register/Login to begin. The school password is was shared in the e-mail sent to all families and can be obtained by calling the office if necessary.  New this year, the first day of service will be on the first day of school, August 21st.  The first ordering deadline will be midnight on Sunday, 8/18.
Teacher Assignment Letters will be mailed to your homes on Friday, August 16th. 
First Day of School & Back to School Coffee - Wednesday, August 21st, 8:30am
Once your child is in class, please join the PTA for coffee and snacks in the multi.  Learn about Almond events, sign up to volunteer, and catch up with friends!
New Family Orientation - Friday, August 23rd, 5:45-6:45pm       
All families new to Almond (kindergarten and others) are invited to join Principal Benadom and the PTA for a short presentation in the multi.
Back to School Ice Cream Social   - Friday, August 23rd, 7pm
All Almond families are invited to the Almond playground for FREE ice cream sundaes served by the Almond PTA.
Back to School Night – Tuesday, August 27th, 5:30 – 8:00pm (regular dismissal)
The time schedule will be divided by grade levels and communicated the first week of school.
Minimum Day – Friday, August 30th
All kindergartners (morning and afternoon) will attend school from 8:15 to 11:35 am. Grades 1-6 will be dismissed at 12:15 pm.
Enjoy the remainder of summer, and I’ll see you all on August 21st!
Best regards,
Erika Benadom
Almond Elementary Principal


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