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August 24, 2017

LASD Solar Project

Greetings Almond Community,

Homeroom placement letters were all emailed yesterday evening.

Almond’s outstanding staff is hard at work putting on the finishing touches in launching the 2017-18 school year.

If you pass by campus in the next few days to sneak a peak, you may notice something amiss in our parking lot.  The trees have been removed.  This was done in preparation of a district wide solar project.

The Los Altos School district is excited to do its part in preserving our environment (reducing our carbon footprint) by installing solar panels at all our school sites.  We expect to save $175,000 or more annually on our utility bills as a result of being able to grandfather our current PG&E rate structure.  In order to take advantage of this rate structure grandfathering we have a short window of opportunity—meaning the project must be completed before the end of the calendar year (December 31).  The solar panels will be on shade structures and installed in school parking lots, except at Oak School where the structures will be installed on the play area blacktop. 

Construction will begin across the district on September 18th and continue for 8–10 weeks.  Temporary construction fencing is scheduled to be installed on September 18 and all work and materials will be contained within the fenced area.  Construction work will adhere to the noise and safety requirements of all local enforcement codes.

Traffic and parking will be impacted on and around the school sites during construction.  We are working with police and traffic control departments to mitigate the impacts on the school neighborhoods.  Where possible, we have made alternate parking arrangements.  LASD has partnered with GreenTown Los Altos on plans to mitigate traffic. GreenTown is working with school PTAs on the design and implementation of WoW! - walk, bike, and carpool - encouragement programs.

The District is paying for this project out of its operating budget.  No bond monies are being used.


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