Blach Intermediate School

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English & Drama -- General Information

Symbolism Dictionary
Look up a symbol and find its meaning. "this symbolism dictionary endeavors to provide some possible cultural significances of various symbols, and suggest ways in which those symbols may have been used in context."
Common graphic symbols which represent words, ideas, concepts and people are offered here. This is the alphabetical index.
Etymology Online
A wide variety of information (files) realted to the origins and development of the English language. Includes current usage.
ChildLit Web Guide
A guide to what is available on the Web related to Children's Literature, including links to many full-text sources, discussion group archives, etc.
History of American Literature
A handy way to understand how American Literature evolved as our nation grew from its origins.
The English Server
The English Server is a cooperative that has published humanities texts to the Internet since 1990. They offer links to many English resources which will be useful in many types of study.

General Author Resources

Online Literary Criticism Collection
The Online Literary Criticism Collection leads to over 1,000 websites with criticism and biographical information about authors and their works. These sites are screened and selected for their usefulness, and are generally of a very high quality.
Sixteenth Century English Literature
Many of the founders of the long and rich tradition of literature in the English language are documented here, in all their forms. Very thorough and well-documented, with lots of resources. Includes the life, works and articles about them, as well as music from the period.

General Mythology Links and Reference Materials

Hypertext Edition of The Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
"This classic work of reference - described as a browser's joy - has been in popular demand since 1870. The Dictionary is extensively cross referenced, lending itself ideally, to the hypertext environment. This First Hypertext Edition is taken from Dr. Brewer's substantially revised and extended edition of 1894."
Myths and Legends From Around the World
A very large and thorough collection of links about the study of mythology from around the world. Includes links to Celtic, Arthurian, Classical (Greek, Roman) and other mythologies.
Medieval and Early European Mythology and Folklore
Internet Medieval Sourcebook
Collection of links to background information about the Medieval Era. Helpful as a resource when studying the myths, legends and literature of this period.
The Labyrinth
A center for Internet Medieval resources. Includes databases, services, texts, and images on other servers around the world. Sponsored by Georgetown University.
Anglo Saxon Culture
Resources such as Beowulf, images from the Book of Kells, and links to other resources related to Medieval Period studies.

Shakespearean England

William Shakespeare, Complete
This is an online version of the complete works of William Shakespeare, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Also includes links to other Internet information resources related to Shakespeare, his life and times.
The Shakespeare Web
An interactive, commercial hypermedia environment dedicated to the increasingly popular understanding of Shakespeare's plays and other works. Includes information on current performances of the plays.
Sixteenth Century Ballads: A work in progress...
"The goal of this project is to produce a collection of "interesting" ballads from before 1600, containing sheet music and lyrics, both in their original form, and in a form intelligible to a modern listener."
The Mary Rose Virtual Maritime Museum
Built on the orders of Henry VIII between 1510 and 1511. After a long and successful period of service she sank accidentally during an engagement with the French fleet in the Solent in 1545. Her rediscovery and raising were one of the seminal events in the history of nautical archaeology.

Drama Resources

Great Speeches
From Susan B. Anthony, Elie Wiesel, Chief Joseph, Abraham Lincoln, St. Francis of Assisi, Lou Gehrig, this is a varied collection of speeches throughout history.
Readers' Theatre Scripts
A collection of scripts for readers' theatre provided by storyteller, Aaron Shepard. Available for free educational use.  

Books and Book Related Resources

The On-line Books Page
This is the front page for an index of hundreds of on-line books. It also points to some common repositories of on-line books and other documents.
BookWire is a comprehensive guide to the book-related resources of the Internet. Book reviews, author information, book-related events, links to publishers and booksellers, a book-related cartoons gallery, and other related topics are to be found here.

Poetry Archives and Collections Online

Favorite Poem Project
Sponsored by America's Poet Laureate at the Library of Congress, Robert Pinsky, this Web site gathers the experiences of Americans reading and talking about their favorite poems. It is the launchpad for an experience that is aimed at shearing poetry aloud all over the nation.
American Verse Project- Texts
The American Verse Project is a collaborative project between the University of Michigan Humanities Text Initiative (HTI) and the University of Michigan Press, is assembling an electronic archive of volumes of American verse prior to 1920.  You'll find this site at 
Search The American Verse Project
Search this poetry archive using key words, names or phrases, or go to the list of poets and poems and scan the list.
Representative Poetry Online
Excellent collection of the great poets of the English language, courtesy of Ian Lancashire. Poetry has been selected with editorial comments by members of the Department of English at the University of Toronto from 1912 to 1996. Included is an extensive collection of criticism, both in verse and prose forms. The works are indexed by poet, title, date, keyword and first line.
American & English Poetry: 1250-1920
This superb poetry site (at Bartleby.Com) contains five separate collections of poetry: 1)The Oxford Book of English Verse; 2) Yale Book of American Verse; 3) Modern British Poetry; Modern American Poetry; 4) Metaphysical Lyrics & Poems of the 17th C.; and 5) The Golden Treasury. The collections may be searched by keyword, and browsed via: Indexes to Poems: Chronologic, Author, Title, First Line.
The Modern English Collection
"This heterogenous collection contains fiction, non-fiction, poetry, drama, letters, newspapers, manuscripts and illustrations from 1500 to the present, arranged for browsing by author's last name or by category of interest."
Internet Poetry Archive
This archive strives to make selected works of contemporary poets available, and to allow for new ways to study the poets and their texts. Includes sound and graphics.
American Libraries
The American Libraries collection includes material contributed from across the United States. Institutions range from the Library of Congress to many local public libraries. This contains a hypertext Archive of Scholarly Editions.  As a whole, this collection of accessible reading material brings holdings that cover many facets of American life and scholarship into the public domain. Significant portions of this collection have been generously sponsored by Microsoft, Yahoo!, The Sloan Foundation, and others.
The Tech Classics Archive
An online archive of 184 works (including poetry) by 17 classical authors (in translation), provided by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The texts are in HTML format, but raw text files are also available. Each work has been segmented into the different books, sections, parts, etc. whenever possible.
Poetry Daily: Poems Arranged By Author Name
A collection of poems, according to their authors. Usually only one poem per author is available. These are mostly modern poems.
Japanese Text Initiative
A collaborative effort to make texts of classical Japanese literature available on the World Wide Web. Features "100 Poems by 100 poets" text in English, Japanese, and Romaji. Includes Japanese woodblock prints too.

Individual Poets and Authors On the Web

Willliam Blake Archive
Large collection of writings and drawings of this British poet and artist.
Bob Dylan: Music and Lyric
An official website for the music and lyrics of the legendary rock singer and composer, Bob Dylan. Includes official lyrics, plus live audio recordings from original albums and concert performances.
Edgar Allan Poe
Visit the Edgar Allan Poe Museum in Richmond Virginia.  This includes a biography, and links to selected works of Poe.
Mark Twain -- Samuel Clemens
From the University of Virginia, this is an excellent source for Mark Twain.  It includes images, texts and many different exhibits.

Book Reviews and Criticism 

Literary Review
Offers fairly thorough reviews of books written by "literary" authors.
Book Page
Mostly brief book reviews on a very wide variety of books and authors, plus interviews with leading current authors.
The Complete Review
This book review site attempts to bring together reviews from a wide variety of online sources.
Reviews Online, From New Pages
Links to many excellent sources of book reviews. "The New Pages Weblog and Guides, though not ignoring the best of the mainstream sources, focus on the alternatives -- the work of smaller, independent publishers."
Online Literary Criticism Collection
Leads to over 1,000 websites with criticism and biographical information about authors and their works. These sites are screened and selected for their usefulness, and are generally of a very high quality.

Other Resources

Santa Clara County Library
Access to scores of research links.  You need to enter your SCC library card and password.
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