Blach Intermediate School

Blach Library

Careers & College

The Occupational Outlook Handbook 
Enter your search term to find your career. The rules for competing in a technologically-advanced global economy are changing everyday. The jobs of the future will require a skilled person who can quickly adapt to a changing workplace. The Occupational Outlook Handbook provides essential work-related information about the world of work and the qualifications that will be needed by tomorrow's workers.
Princeton Review Career Information
Princeton Review Online's Career information is a complete career database for careers that require a college degree. To get their profile of the career that interests you, simply enter the name of the profession in the box. A detailed and thorough description is returned.
Career Mosaic 
A career center online, with information on careers, training, and jobs! Lots of career and job information gathered for use by college students, but also helpful for those who are not in college.
Peterson's Education Center 
An Internet central resource for information on Education and Lifelong Learning. Information on colleges, Careers, Jobs, vocational-technical schools, and lots more.
Preparing Your Child for College 
A Resource Book for Parents - Second Edition - 1994. It's never too early to think about college--about the benefits of a college education and about ways to put college within reach academically and financially. Throughout their school years, students make academic and other decisions that affect whether they will be eligible to enter college. You--working with others--can help your child make these decisions wisely. 

College and Training Resources

SAT Skill Lessons 
These skill lessons are provided to help you review the math and verbal skills tested on the SAT test. Although you can jump right into these lessons at any time, it's a better idea to wait until you have completed the first step (diagnosing your weak areas) as described on the WebWare for the SAT Main Screen. Includes both Math and Verbal lessons.
Campus Tours 
This website allows you to take a tour of a college "virtually", via the computer over the World Wide Web. Includes sections for: Webcams, Campus Maps, College Videos, Movies & Pictures.
California Community Colleges 
Links to the Home Pages of the numerous community colleges of California. Lots of information at your command!
California State Universities 
Links to all the campuses of the California State Universities.
University of California Campuses 
Top-level servers at the UC campuses are listed here. Campuses may have many more servers listed on their home pages.
University of California Pathways 
An online application system for all campuses of the University of California syatem. Offers much information about undergraduate education and admission at the University of California. Includes Introducing the University, a starting point for high school students who are beginning to think about college and who are considering UC as an option.

Employment Information Resources

America's Career InfoNet 
Provides information about the job market, includng the future job market.
Rebecca Smith's eResumes & Resources 
The focus is the eResume (electronic resume), but this site offers a wide array of information about this vital piece of paper that helps people get jobs!
Job Star 
California Job Search Guide provided by California Public Librarians. Includes Career Guides, salary information, job ads, career centers and lots more information on jobs in our area.
Job information posted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, including information on career planning, job search and industry information, career services for professionals, job bulletins, related news and events.
Lots of information about jobs, careers, and training. You'll learn about employers, see their home pages and select a job search by your choice of company,location and job listing. If you want to know more about a particular employer, click on Companies and browse around. Or you can stop by the Newsstand and browse through information and home pages about newspapers and magazines for yourself or your career. You can do a search on Colleges , where you'll find out about Campus Interviews, job fairs, college events, College Publications and companies you are interested in.

General Resource

Santa Clara County Library
Access to scores of research links.  You need to enter your SCC library card and password.
Santa Clara County Library Student eAccount
Login: S + Student ID number + LASD (for example:  S12345LASD)
Pin: Birth Month and Day (example: May 1st is 0501)

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