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Welcome to the Loyola Library!
What's the purpose of our school libraries?
School libraries have great books, just like public libraries, but school libraries also teach information, literacy skills, and library skills that are part of the curriculum in California.
What types of resources are available from LASD libraries?
Our libraries provide multiple resources for students in grades Preschool through 8 with the goal of providing every student with options for becoming strong information users and lifelong readers. We offer print books and magazines, both fiction and nonfiction, for reading for pleasure and to support school work and personal information interests. We also offer high quality electronic information resources for student research and reading development that are available both at school and home. Our goal is to offer choices to students in order to meet each student's research and reading needs.
Check out this Amazon book list with our librarian's recommendations from a previous Book Fair. There are fantastic books for all ages in elementary through middle school.
Search our school online catalog:
Santa Clara County Online Library for Students:
Use your library card for access to amazing resources.
LASD student eAccount number: S + Student ID Number + LASD
Pin: Birth Month and Day (example: May 1st is 0501)
Encyclopedia Britannica:
Spanish version:
Offers more than 2,000 full-text sources, with improved functionality, and a fun and easy-to-use search interface. Includes magazines, newspapers, books, television/radio transcripts, maps, pictures, and audio/video clips. |
Links students to country reports that go beyond mere facts and figures to deliver a one-of-a-kind perspective on daily life and culture. In-depth reports covering 200+ countries, the United States, and Canada |
General reference resource for young researchers that makes learning fun and intuitive. Helps students in grades 1-9 develop their research, writing, language and computer skills. |
SIRS Issues Researcher Grades 6+ Delivers the pros and cons on today’s complex social issues with relevant, credible information that tells the whole story on the major questions of the day. Go in depth into any one of 345+ critical, current, and enduring social issues. |
ProQuest Research Companion Age 13+ An intuitive, and self-guided product that supports information literacy, writing, and research skills instruction occurring in today's libraries, classrooms, and online learning environments. |
Access to more than a million ebooks, with 100,000 new titles added each year! Students can read books online or download either a book or selected chapters. |
Rosetta Stone and EBSCO Information Services have combined to offer your library the Rosetta Stone Library Solution with 30 different languages available. |
Ms. Kim is thrilled to be working in the Loyola Library this year. She is looking forward to creating a welcoming space where all students can experience the joy and magic of children’s literature. She is originally from Rhode Island and when she’s not working, she prefers to be by the ocean with her family and a great book. Some of her favorites include Owl Moon, The Snowy Day, and The Inquisitor’s Tale. |
Ms. Nimmi is passionate about working with students in reading and comprehension. Having worked at Loyola for 14 years, and being a literacy assistant for primary grades, reading to students in the library has been an added bonus! Favorite children’s book: Mr. Poppers Penguins by Richard and Florence Atwater. |
Our library needs you!
The Loyola Library welcomes parent and extended family support in the library. If you would like to volunteer during your child’s library time or help with shelving, please come to the Welcome Breakfast on the first day of school to sign up, or contact Ms. Kim (kguesman at lasdschools dot org) for more information. No prior experience is necessary and training will be provided.
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